Self publishing a book

samedi 1 janvier 2022

Happy new year.

On NYE I completed a novel I've been writing for the past six months. It checks in at 97000 words, has a beginning, a middle and an end, a fun story, characters to like and hate. It's not perfect I am an amateur, in particular I'm not happy with the dialogue its at best dry and at worst cringey but I'm comfortable with other people reading it so would like to get it published. Currently doing an edit taking the scissors to the bits I don't like, checking the squillion SPAG errors and making a start on the sequel.

If anyone is interested its historical fiction/horror. Basically vampires and shit but set in 6th century England.

Will do my own research once I'm over the post holiday lull y'know those 2-3 days when you can't be arsed to do anything but someone on the BBS must have taken this route before or knows someone who did so any hints or dos and don'ts or recommended resources or anything really that may be useful would be much appreciated.

No delusions of grandeur here I know making money from writing is hard for those who've been doing it for years and fully expect to be doing my day job until I kneel over from some drinking related illness. Just be nice to get a bonus from this hobby I enjoy.

For an amateur with no credentials or connections the chances of traditional publishers even giving it a read are thousands to one so self publish or bust I guess. If its expensive I guess I can just put it on the back burner for a few years.

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