Why is PeterH the bestest bbs poster?

vendredi 28 janvier 2022

Worthy of a doctorate thesis this.

Inmodest, for sure.

But let's look at what we have..evidence is too strong a word..a feeling..a general vibe if you will.


In years gone by..an uppity twat like PeterH couldn't pretend to rise to the upper echolons of the bbs. You had the cabal of mods, James, the Superwebmonkey, and various long gone legends.

But like some Dickensian Coup..there enters a vaccum where a snide who has served his apprentice suddenly has the power.

Meantime, the real wits flounder or argue amongst themselves...Maz, wcb art Malice, . Top posters like Les, don't pay enough attention, and others get ridiculously aerious like stevek and Aldershit or whatever is silly name is.

Even El Ag succumbs to some mini mid life crisis. The likes of Maidstoned turn into a beligerant, typical, Malaga Ex Pat devoid of the humour that once made him a legend.

That leaves.....a bunch of brexiters, wet nose uni grads, cr (and vha when he can be bothered), and returning banned posters to take up the slack.

Come on.. for 2 years the likes of GorBlimey and Timbo have a voice on here. HPalace is seen as an intellectual. And a collection of mings see Windsor as the second coming.

Come on...the bbs is better than this..

And PeterH....what makes that cun t so special. Consistency, myvfriends..And you can't pigeon hole the c u n t, however much you try.

I suspect that is how Hitler began...

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