It's 2022 - should there be a cure for cancer by now?

lundi 31 janvier 2022

My wife's cousin died yesterday of lung cancer (never smoked in his life). Despite a few false hopes of remissions over the last 5 years or so, it got him in the end. Guy was active and pretty well off with access to the best doctors money/insurance could buy.

This is not a thread for sympathy, but a thread to ask, here we are in 2020, and yes there have been tremendous advancements in cancer treatments, but at the end of the day in many cases it still gets you in the end. Why is this?

With billions being thrown at research via charities, governments and private pharmaceutical companies it feels disappointing that we still basically have no cure. I'm no scientist or biologist, but the holy grail of a cure seems so far away.

I don't believe it myself, but playing devil's advocate, are there forces that are holding back a cure, i.e. cancer is big money for many elements in and around the periphery of the disease... much like we hear about with big oil.

Any opinions out there?

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