Simple things you're shit at

jeudi 15 avril 2021

I thought I'd start a fun Thursday thread to hear examples of things that should be really simple and other people seem to find really simple, yet for some reason, you really struggle with.

For me, the big one is folding clothes. When I see people in shops walking around and folding t-shirts perfectly with a deft flick of the wrists, I'm completely in awe. When I'm ironing, each t-shirt will take me a good minute to try and fold, with the aid of the ironing board as a base and yet the result is still crap. I've even watched youtube videos to learn the secret methods, but I just can't manage it.

The other thing is breaking eggs. I either tap it too gently that I barely crack the surface, or too hard that the thing shatters, the yolk breaks apart and there's bits of egg shell everywhere. I've been trying a double tap method recently which seems to be working a bit better, but even so, I'm sure other people don't struggle like I do.

What are yours?

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