How out of touch with football are you?

jeudi 22 avril 2021

During the 2002 World Cup, I was 14 and on a family holiday in Italy. During England's first game against Sweden, I remember watching the game in the bar and I was sat next to an old fat Northern bloke, who said he supported Stoke. When the teams came up on the TV screen, I remember him asking me which club team Danny Mills played for, as he had never heard of him before. I remember thinking 'how can you call yourself a football fan, yet not even be aware of one of the best full backs in the League?'

Other than being old, fat, and Northern, I am now that man. I seem to know very little about football outside of Palace, and I don't really care about it either. Does anyone else feel the same?

By the way, I'm pretty sure the old bloke dozed off half way through the game :)

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