Anyone eaten/drunk out yet (since 12 April 2021)?

mardi 27 avril 2021

Thought I'd start this thread to swap experiences of eating and/or drinking out following the first stage of hospital re-opening on 12 April. It's now been over 2 weeks, and the weather has been good - generally dry and sunny, if cold early in the day.

I find I'm consciously or sub-consciously searching for good places to either go on my own, or with friends. Ideally it would be somewhere with plenty of space which welcomes 'walk-in' customers. I'm fairly risk-averse with Covid, so even if/when pubs and restaurants are allowed to serve inside (due in May), I think I will still prefer to be outside for quite a while. Especially if it's a hot summer.

Brockley station is very good - locals have got together with the council to make a traffic-free street where the cafes can put plenty of tables and chairs outside. This was done well before lockdown, the idea was to make it a nice place to meet. It's been a big success. And of course, it's perfect for lockdown. It gets pretty noisy and busy in the evenings, and it can be very cold in the mornings because the buildings are west facing and the space is sheltered from the sun. The best time to go there, I think, is late morning/early afternoon.

There's a cafe up in Hilly Fields, which is lovely, but they've actually removed the outside tree logs that people used to sit down, because people were getting too close in Covid. So you can get a coffee or ice cream, but you have to try and find a park bench or sit on the grass if you want to sit rather than wander.

Down in Ladywell, there's a nice cafe called Le Delice with some tables and chairs outside. The road is pretty noisy though. Better I think is a place called Oscars a few doors along, which has a nice quiet garden at the back - they told me they hope to open it in May.

Where have you been, and how was it? Did you enjoy it? Did you feel safe?

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