Can more choice and convenience makes things less exciting?

mercredi 28 avril 2021

Was thinking about this the other day, when I drove past a book shop. When I was a kid I used to like game books, and got really excited after I saved up and ordered one in the local book shop waiting a week or so for it to arrive.

Now loads of things are next day delivery and there is an abundance of choice. But can't help feel it sometimes makes things a little more dull?

The same for TV. Yes it can be nice to binge watch a series, but I noticed the other day looking forward to Line of Duty, because it's exciting to wait and also because so many people are watching it at the same time, which used to happen a lot more when there were less channels.

Even something like dating. When I've been single in modern times you can end up going on several dates a week because of dating apps, and to be honest it sometimes got a bit dull (I ended up having a rule to not meet more than one new person a fortnight). Where as when you met people in bars, or through friends etc it could sometimes be a bit more exciting even if you had less choice. And as a total aside those on another thread who said that if you have not slept with many people it being an issue, once you have you know it really isn't a big deal, and I think those who find a fulfilling and loving relationship are far luckier (even if it can also be fun meeting different people).

Don't get me wrong there are lots of positive points as well to modern life, but sometimes I do think it takes the edge off certain things a bit.

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