Call yourself a Palace fan??

vendredi 23 avril 2021

Many moons ago (25+ years!) a wrote an article which I thought I'd revamp today! So the following is in true Facebook tradition, score yourself 1 point for each attainment (top score 26).

Have you:

1. Been to at least 5 away games?
2. Been a junior member of Palace-including club membership or the "Palace Guard"?
3. Been ejected from Selhurst Park?
4. Started a chant?
5. Recorded a game on the TV and watched it back later, not knowing the result?
6. Never left a game early?
7. Introduced a neutral adult or sibling to a Palace game and converted them?
8. Never missed a game home and away for an entire season?
9. Had your face painted for a game?
10. Celebrated on the pitch after a game?
11. Passed an away ground on a non-match day and have either gestured or sworn at it?
12. Shouted "Eagles" or similar at a stranger wearing Palace attire?
13. Acquired a Palace tattoo?
14. Been to a Palace v Brighton away game?
15. Taken someone on a date to a game?
16. Watched a Palace game from a foreign pub on holiday?
17. Pretended to be a Palace team or player in the playground?
18. Been on a football special?
19. Sneaked into Selhurst Park to have a look at the outch on a non-match day?
20. Travelled over 200 miles each way to watch a game?
21. Hung a scarf out of a window en route to a game?
22. Hugged a stranger whilst celebrating a Palace goal?
23. Banged on the back of a stand or similar noise making structure in order to enhance a Palace chant?
24. Hired a minibus or coach to go to a game?
25. Twirled a scarf?
26. Been out for the night in the town where Palace have played away?
27. Been to an away pub and endured stares from locals?
28. Celebrated a last-minute winning goal like nothing else at a game?
29. Been to a Palace open day?
30. Either "stood your ground", been assaulted or been chased in the pursuit of wearing your colours.

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