Are people less hopeful?

lundi 26 avril 2021

I wasn't around in the 60s and 70s but you just get the sense there was a lot of hope for humanity and a better future.

I just don't see that now, a lot of people seem gloomy, and that was the case before the pandemic. About the enviroment, the fact that globally things are becoming more authoritarian (the figures are worse than ever), that inequality is increasing. Despite all the technological advances, we can't even get to a place where there isn't homelessness, incredible really. From 2019:


Two thirds (67 per cent) of young people believe their generation will be worse off than their parents
From this year:


Close to half (48%) of Gen Z and 44% of millennial respondents in the primary survey said they’re stressed all or most of the time.
How have we got to this point and will it change?

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