Palace Fans (20-35) Needed for Master Thesis Study

jeudi 15 avril 2021

Hi everyone, cheers for letting me join the forum! If this post shouldn’t be here or should go somewhere else, admins feel free to delete or move.

I am a master's student based in Lund University in Sweden, and myself and a fellow student are currently in the process of writing our thesis on a couple of football clubs, and how the supporters view their team's commercial activities/extensions off the pitch.

With this in mind, we are looking at Crystal Palace as one of the clubs, and I was hoping that a couple of people here might be interested in taking part? It would consist of you conducting a Zoom interview with us just to get your opinion on what Palace is doing off the field, and would be anonymous.

We would be looking for people in the age range of 20-35, and also be based in England (and would have also attended games before Covid kicked in). Of course among the participants who take part, we’ll be raffling off a 20 quid Amazon voucher as well.

If anyone has any questions feel free to drop me a message or just reply to this thread, and also if you’re interested just let me know as well; cheers everyone for reading!

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