PVA in bitz

mardi 27 avril 2021

Anyone else watch this guy and notice even his own reactions to the things he does tell you they are the actions of a fool? Scowling and glaring as he walks away after nearly kicking the ball out of Guita's hands etc etc

He is one of the most unintelligent footballers I've seen in a Palace team. He has some qualities going forward and I am sure he is a nice person but I can't help but observe his foolishness in every game he plays for us, there's always a series of errors or stupid decisions.

I'm not saying he doesn't have the skill or technique to be a capable player at this level, he is of course very talented to be playing at the level he is, but my word does his brain seem to let him down.

I shall therefore now refer to him as 'PVD-' because D- is the mark I grade him for his performances. Is Mitchell ready to step up next season? We really need full backs that are comfortable on the ball, I admire Ward and am fond of him due to his history with us, he's had many a valuable game for us, but he never looks comfortable when he has the football near one of his feet.

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