So I woke up to this facebook post this morning ... I haven't had a chance to check out the veracity of it properly yet, but it certainly seems worthy of discussion ...
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So you may be wondering why we are on the brink of WWIII. I will do my best to explain it. See Saudi Arabia would like to compete with Russia for the European Natural Gas business. Russia doesn't like this idea as it not only costs them customers and future income but it reduces their influence over Europe. In order for this pipeline to get to Europe though it has to cross Syria. Syrian President Assad decided it wasn't in the best interests of Syria to agree to the Saudi pipeline but instead agreed to the Iranian pipeline. Saudi, the European Union, Israel and the United States then started a rebellion against the Syrian Government by hiring mercenaries and by using their versions of the CIA to pay people to oust Assad. The end goal is installation of a puppet government friendly to the desires of this alliance. The fact that this initiative spawned ISIS and provided a huge source of funding for our former enemies to include Al Qaeda doesn't seem to bother the people at the top. They also sponsored the rebellion in Ukraine to depose the Russian friendly president there, so their alliance would have control of the Russian pipelines going through Ukraine. They didn't Expect Russia to fight back though and it resulted in an on going color war there with massive casualties and Russia's seizing of Crimea. Note the Route of one of the Saudi pipeline and then the route of the Iranian pipeline and learn. See attached images. Every country supporting the ouster of Assad has a direct interest in the Saudi pipeline deal or is a client state of one of the powers that does. The article also explains how Saudi sponsored the civil war in Yemen to get yet another pipeline deal done! Good luck US government. I don't think you are going to get away with this one. You will never read about the real reasons for this massive ****up in the United States media that is for sure. Luckily from my outpost here in Thailand I get news from all over and have many friends from outside the zone of direct US media thought control. A Hearty Thank You to Dejan Gajic, for his contribution to this rant. To view the link you have to Register or Login |
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