Brrrrrrr - is it starting to get quite chilly? Have you turned your heating on yet?

dimanche 23 octobre 2016

Yes, folks, there is a distinct crispness in the air, with our cars all steamed up and wet, and time to fish out those gloves, scarves and woollies - will they fit you this winter?

And so looms that day when you can no longer put off Father Frost; there's no pretending the icicles around the windows are not just pretty; it's what you paid all that money for in the first place - go on, is it time to turn on the central heating once more?

Who can last longest in their long-johns, dressing gowns, mufflers, bobble hats and mittens, sipping on a glass of Mackesons and a nip of Stones Ginger Wine by the embers of a little coal grate, fanning the last few glows of warmth out of the stone-cold fireplace?

Or are you still running around in T-shirts and surfer shorts, flip-flops and baseball cap - you're no namby-pamby softy. Chill? What chill - in your freezer maybe?

Let's see who succumbs to the temptation of their creature comforts when - do post your experiences here.

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