Strange or funny dreams you have had

vendredi 21 octobre 2016

When I was a kid I had a reoccurring dream that I was falling from a great height and just before I hit the ground I would wake up.

Another was I lived in a fairly big house in Dulwich which had 3 floors and a cellar. This demon like creature would chase me all the way from the 3rd floor to the cellar and everytime I just made it to the cellar and managed to slam the door on it.

A funny one was when about 14 I guess I had a dream where a naked Debbie Harry was in my bed urging me to get into bed with her. I was sat on the end of the bed watching a Western film and kept telling her to wait until the film finished. What makes it worse is that I've never liked bloody Westerns :wallbash:. Still pisses me off to this day

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