The misery of being a football fan

samedi 22 octobre 2016

This is not a thread moaning about Palace or today but the affect losing had on our lifes!

Losing has ruined countless days/weekends for me and I can't do anything about it even at 32! We've lost to the champions today and along with Brighton winning it has caused me to me miserable, really bloody miserable. It's also made my wife miserable and everyone I know. Every week we lose is the same. Physically I dont show the emotion as much or get as angry but I just don't want to interact. A few drinks sometimes helps.

The FA cup final ruined me, ended up in a&e after kicking a wall on the way out. I'm such a chilled out person and never let anything get to me, apart from bloody football.

I wonder how many hours I've lost to being miserable in life because of the game. Of course there are the ups and with Palace we have had a few, I wouldn't change anything for the world but it's hard.

Surely others feel the same or am I a lost case?

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