Obscenity Laws – The Youth Bible

mardi 18 octobre 2016

In July 2014, my daughter aged 10, received The Youth Bible as a present from her Church of England First School, paid for by a local educational charity. Thankfully it has never been opened and read, until I saw it on my 8 year old son's bookshelf last weekend.

Wondering if it is as graphic and horrific as the 'adult' version, I was disturbed to turn to Genesis 19 and read in full detail about the Sodom and Gomorrah episode with Lot, which involves Lot giving his virgin daughters to the mob for sexual relations rather than handing over his visitors, God killing Lot's wife for looking over her shoulder, Lot's daughters getting him drunk and having sexual relations with him and God obliterating a city and killing everyone within. The imagery is horrific.

Therefore, we have a book, given to a 10 year old, overseen by a state school which, contained within only one page includes rape, killings, violence and a complete lack of morals. And, of course, were I to read it any further there would be many, many more inappropriate stories which leave nothing to the imagination.

We have Parliamentary laws regarding the selling of video games, top shelf magazines and films to those aged under 18 and yet we have a state school that can oversee the handing out of a book to a 10 year old girl containing many horrific stories, including one that tells of daughters getting their father drunk and raping him.

We have obscenity laws in place in the UK to protect children from obscene pictures and words, via books, images, internet etc, so why are schools able to oversee the handing out of explicit sexual and horrific literature to 10 year old girls?

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