Long shot question re using computer with LG TV

samedi 15 octobre 2016


Long post to avoid wasting your time with to and fro questions so tried to put all detail in up front.

Background info
I have used a Sony Bravia TV as a PC screen for 8 years or more and would never go back to a 'small/normal sized screen. With 4k establishing itself now and with some CCTV cameras arriving soon I thought I would upgrade the PC TV to be ready. I ended up with a 49" LG UH770 (widely available). I use the PC as one of 3 screens (The TV, a ASUS monitor sitting next to it and the 3rd port goes into a HDMI switch that allows me to see the output on any of the TVs across the house). The TV is identified as the Primary screen. This has worked perfectly in this configuration with the Sony TV for over 3 years. Nvidia GeForce GTX970 video card. All connections out are via HDMI cables. Both devices are up to date with drivers/software. The LG is in 'Game mode' but I think that is a graphics profile TBH.

It works fine once everything is up and running but at night I power both the PC and TV down. Every morning I start the PC and TV screen and it's a nightmare to get the PC opening screen displayed. The TV signals that there is no input. The only way of getting a connection seems to be to close down both again and restart the PC and then start the TV after a count of 3 or 4 but it's very imprecise and still inconsistent (and very irritating). Then everything works perfectly.

Currently the only way I can avoid this is to log off the PC instead of closing it down which I am not keen on.

I assume it's some sort of HMDI syncing issue.

I have tried to search online and I can see some reference to similar issues but I haven't yet found anything helpful. I did email LG support but the response was weird. After suggesting it would be displayed after a short while (I wouldn't be asking if it did that would I) and recommending I spam the PC BIOS I lost faith a little. :(

So just wondered if the great BBS guru has any good ideas other than buy a different TV which isn't helpful.

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