NHS staff banned from drinking tea or coffee

mardi 21 octobre 2014

NHS staff banned from drinking tea or coffee on the job because it looks like they're not working hard enough

Medics and other staff have been banned from drinking tea or coffee in public areas at three Leicester hospitals.

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OK, so this is clearly sensationalist from the Indy, as the rule actually applies to 'It applies to outpatient clinic reception areas at Leicester Royal Infirmary, Glenfield Gneral Hospital and Leicester General Hospital.'

However, I have to say, what an utterly ridiculous rule to impose.

Of all the areas of a hospital that are patient facing, surely the reception is the most agreeable place to see staff having a cup of tea. I can understand that it looks bad for nurses to be seen having a brew in front of patients on wards and clinics, but OPD, admin and clerical staff? Do me a favour.

What an utterly useless waste of time and oxygen to create this nonsense. I mean, is it OK for then to have a Pepsi but not a 'hot' drink.

Complete nonsense.

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