Health, diet, exercise etc..

mercredi 11 août 2021

How are you all? How are you living generally?

I have the great fortune (atm) of not having any quality of life limiting conditions or illnesses.

I would say my diet is fairly good and balanced without going to any dietary extremes or sacrifices. I could add a bit more veggies, and perhaps the red meat (on the barbecue) could be scaled down a bit. Sometimes we dip in and out of the new superfoods.

I smoke, a bit too mush at a packet a day. And my alcohol intake is moderate at a couple of bottles of wine a week and perhaps four or five beers.

I walk the dogs up and down gemtle slopes each day and potter around the garden.

I am leaner than I have been for many a year. Although I am older, so a bit worn down, and can feel a bit tired sometimes.

I would give myself maybe an 8/10 at 56 years old.

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