Racial Equality etc.

samedi 5 septembre 2020

Worth a little debate this one, and I thought I would start a new thread.

As a somewhat personal joke I sometimes consider myself a black person inside a white skin. That is almost solely due to my tastes in music, and the fact I can dance like a mother fecker. Of course I am a lucky son of a bitch, born as a white Englishman speaking English etc. etc..

In recent years I have come across radical writings, interviews, and social media comments from people complaining about white appropriation of black culture. Some saying that whites shouldn't be allowed to like black music etc., to the point that it is even oppressive to black people for whites to steal the culture that doesn't belong to them.

Normally, I just ignore such crazy talk. But I saw this case of a white, jewish teacher in a black university and her attitude annoyed me somewhat..

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She is absolutely the wrong doer here, and admits it.

But as some from of self-justification she still tries to blame others for her failings..

Ms Krug described her behaviour as "the very epitome of violence, of thievery and appropriation, of the myriad ways in which non-Black people continue to use and abuse Black identities and cultures."

Personally, I think she's got some fecking front...


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