Watching RVERY game in TV Vs Being there!

lundi 15 mars 2021

I have been wondering lately about how my perspective on the games differs this season watching them ALL on TV compared with every other game live at Selhurst. I must say that the last few games have been bloody awful to watch on tv, to the extent that I have contemplated whether I want to watch them at all. It seems to be one horrible performance after the other. But then we’ve scraped some draws and some wins and we’re sitting in 11th place 6 points behind Liverpool! It makes me think whether we really haven’t been that bad and if we had been at Selhurst these performances wouldn’t have looked quite so bad. When watching at home we are spoilt with replays, pundits , numerous camera angles and the like, maybe that makes us look worse than we actually are. This has, so far, been the best premier league season we’ve had. Has not being at the games made us feel like we’ve played worse this season than usual?

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