Jim Crow 2.0

samedi 27 mars 2021

Blatant voter suppression by the anti-democratic minority Republican party.

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What does the new law do?

It adds new ID requirements for requesting mail-in ballots, replacing the current system which simply requires a signature.

Republicans say this will instil greater confidence in election integrity, but Democrats say it will now be harder for working class people - who may not have an ID - to cast a ballot.
It expands early voting access in most counties.

A previous version of the bill that curbed weekend voting prompted an outcry, with Democrats arguing it targeted the Sunday voting drives held by black churches.
It gives the state legislature greater power over the state election board.

Democrats say the move would allow votes in certain counties to be thrown out, which Mr Trump advocated for after his loss.

It bans the practice of giving food or water to voters in line.

The Republican bill labels it a method of soliciting votes, but several media reports suggest that voters, particularly in majority black parts of the state, have often had to wait in line for hours.
It shortens the period for runoff elections.

It will go from nine weeks to four weeks - shortening the time for early and mail in voting.

Democrats say that is in an attempt to suppress votes after an energised voter base in Georgia sent two Democrats to the US Senate this year. Republicans say it will more fairly reflect voters' beliefs at the time of the initial vote.

I guess I don't get the US system, in that I thought that Biden had won the Senate and Congress. So how can Republicans put a bill into law? How did they get it voted through?

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