Toxic Selhurst Games

jeudi 18 mars 2021

Gradi thread brought up the occasion of our humiliating 5-0 reverse at home to a resurgent Wimbledon, early on during the Coppell era. (Did he offer to resign after the game?)

One of the most toxic atmospheres I've ever witnessed at Palace. What others also stick in the mind? Off the top of my head I can think of the following

Cantona game
Birmingham fancy dress day
Alan Smith empty season tickets on the pitch bonanza
Probably plenty during the Goldberg era but I can't think of one in particular

Away game memories are permitted (Brighton Boxing Day debacle, Swindon playoff away game, trying to get out of Maine Road after Mark Bright assaulted half their team on the way to a jammy away win, QPR Allen v sign, Villa Park semi replay) and even games where the toxicity had nothing to do with us (anti Fergie demo at Old Trafford).

Fire away

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