Stamp Duty - Help - @ any accountants or legal bods

mercredi 12 juillet 2017

I have a situation whereby I'm buying a property with my partner who is currently named on another mortgage until November this year.

Her relationship with her ex broke down last year and she moved out of the property and he paid her off (via a solicitor) so she is no longer responsible for the property.

However, it was a 2 year fixed deal and he couldn't afford a new mortgage as a single applicant at the time. So she has to wait until the end of that 2 years (this November) to formally come off the deeds.

So, as we've just had an offer accepted, I need to know how I can go about just paying the standard 3% stamp duty and not the second home one at a much higher rate.

In the circumstances I am hoping this is possible? She's been paid off, doesn't reside there or have any financial obligation to the mortgage she is literally just waiting for her name to come off on 1st November.

Any help greatly appreciated!!


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