Palace transfers through the ages

jeudi 20 juillet 2017

Some good data here.

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Can't do a full analysis because I think the website is missing some deals.

Plus, these days there is all this bullshit of undisclosed deals - how does that correspond with transparancy, tax, and FFP rules?

But looking through this year by year you can gauge the turmoils of Palace.

Interesting things to note:

1) There seemed very little transfer activity from 1982 to 1987 - is that correct?

2) Ron and his partners really fleeced Palace - buy for next to nothing (usually with the fans lifeline money), and sell high. Even some of the marque signings only spent a percentage of what had been brought in. Over the years Ron must have pocketed 50% of all transfer fees.

3) The team of the early 90s was sold off cheaply.

4) Other than a couple of abhorations SJ's transfer results were pretty prudent overall. I can see why he is still bitter about the things conspiring against him. Yet, he managed to mismanage the club...

5) CPFC2010 spent very little in respect of player transfers, and have done very nicely on the back of the Zaha situation and selling to the Yanks.

6) The transfers of the last couple of seasons and NOW really are unchartered territory for Crystal Palace.

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