Old Dog or New Tricks?

jeudi 20 juillet 2017

Now that BFS is ready to return to football, I found myself wondering if I'd rather have Fat Sam back instead of De Boer. Before BFS came here I disliked the man, ( not that fond even now ) didn't rate him that highly as a manager and would have taken De Boer over him in a heartbeat. Yet the way Fat Sam got the best out of our players, spent superbly and found a system not only to win but with the best football we've seen since promotion won me over. BFS is about as close a thing to assured Premiership safety as we're going to realistically get from a British manager and would, I'm sure, have taken us forward to at least some degree.

On the other hand, FDB gives us an international cachet Sam couldn't, has intimate knowledge of the European market and his name will likely enable us to bring in players we'd otherwise have no easy access to, provided we have the necessary funds to spend. In time, if the risk we are taking to change how we play pays off, FDB could potentially take us to a whole new level on the global stage. But making the changes FDB wants is, make no mistake, a risk.

So if we could wave a wand and choose, who'd we prefer at the helm? BFS or FDB?

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