Travelling to Uzbekistan - advice needed

mercredi 26 juillet 2017

I'm travelling to Uzbekistan in March and am looking to get visas etc sorted early doors so as to avoid any aggro further down the line. Can anyone that's been help with the following:

Rather than sending my passport to the Uzbek embassy via post (the embassy website says this is a requirement) I'd rather take all forms and documentation up together on one day and get everything processed on the same day if possible. Is this possible and is it the better way to get the visa sorted? I've been trying to contact the embassy all week but can't seem to get through to anyone.

Which currency is best to use there? I've looked at websites that suggest taking dollars and changing to Som on the black market as the rates are far more favourable than at state outlets. Is it possible/advisable to just use dollars the entire time rather than carrying large wedges of Som about? If so how much would I be looking at losing out?

Other info - I'm there for a week travelling between Tashkent, Samarkand, Bukhara and perhaps down to Shahrisabz for a day if time allows it.

Any other tips/advise from anyone that's spent some time there is welcomed!

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