The Master Phone Socket

vendredi 12 juin 2015

OK folks, my sleepy village is now getting fibre and my new BT Home Hub 5 arrives next week. Back in Purley when we got fibre there was a separate hub and modem and they had to be adjacent to the main entry socket for the phone which was a pain as it was nowhere near the computers, but in the end wi fi was fast enough for our needs and the socket was in a cupboard hidden away with the home patch panel.

The HH5 doesn't need the modern but still infers it will only work off the main socket, not any other socket around the house. Is this correct or do you just get slower speed on the slave sockets? Our master is in the hall with no power point nearby and I could run an extension cable about 5 metres to get the hub where I need it but it may not look great in the short term until I can tack it around properly.

Any comments? Cheers all

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