Help with white goods when renting

lundi 29 juin 2015

I currently rent a house in Carshalton and i am having a problem with my fridge freezer.

WE reported that it had a problem on the 16th May.
They sent someone to look at it on the 25th May and he said it was bust and a new one was needed It will slowely get warmer and the part will evently give in.
This weekend it finally went completley with about £50 of food in there.
Not that fussed about the food but as i have a 3 year old son i have had to feed him so i have bought a mini fridge this weekend for milk and essentials. This cost £60.

Were do i stand on getting this paid back and what pressure can i put on them to get it sorted quicker. As a mini fridge just isn't that big. It is also costing me a fortune buying food every day.

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