Metroid Games Series (Nintendo)

vendredi 26 juin 2015

After all the furore ove the Metroid game shown at E3 I have been on a bit of a Metroid trip the last week or so. Super Metroid is one of my favourite games of all time, in fact it is number two in my own personal list. Anyway over the last week or two I have been buying up all of the games and now own every Metroid game bar Pinball on either my 3DS or Wii U. Such great games.

Are there any other Metroid fans (or loathers) for that matter patrolling the BBS these days? Would love to talk about one of my favourite series of games. I even use Samus about 90% of the time on all the Smash Bros games. Anu thoughts on any Metroid games, future games, ideas etc? Not really got used to Metroid Prime on the Wii version yet, the controls are still a bit weird for me, and even Metroid Prime Hunters on the 3DS takes a bit of getting used to having to use the stylus to look around. :eek:

I get the feeling Nintendo tend to neglect Metroid due to the fact it seems more popular in the US and Europe than it is in Japan. Nintendo seem a bit funny like that though, games like Fire Emblem and Earthbound generally being Japan only releases until the recent past.


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