US allows Gay marriage and brace themselves for the pending wrath of god

vendredi 26 juin 2015

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Americans react on Facebook. Some gems I've just seen - there were 2740 comments on this news article at the time. I'd say 9/10 were negative. Where would America be without guns and religion? In 2015?

Wendell Wilburn: SUPREME COURT JUST RULED THAT ALL GAY MARRIAGES MUST BE ACCEPTED EVERYWHERE. Christians Gird up Your loins for the fight against Satan. The Supreme Court Just tried to take the Power of the Supreme Being. WOE,WOE, WOE and pity for America. All Churches and Pastors and Christians are fair game for destruction from the President, Supreme Court and All the Leaders in Government.

Dennis A Lippy: The perverts win another one. The court is as sick and disgusting as the perverts are.

Harvey Altemose: It may be time for us to begin assembling the militia as was done in the 1700's, when tyranny ruled. Our Constitution gives us the right to take our nation back, when those we elected into office no longer act for our benefit.

Glenda Trapp Wardrup: They can rule all they want. Marriage is Marriage defined by God.

Drew Patterson: We have gone from a God fearing nation to a godless nation. May God have mercy on us, but I fear it is too late for that now.

Eula Eaker Ledford: This ruling only let us know where America will stand in the scheme of things of Bible prophecy. There is only one critical decision left American will have to decide to drive the final nail for its destruction and that being where do we stand on Israel? The question remains how long will God allow his creation to provoke him and his laws and laugh at him. Who is the supreme being God or man? We are about to find out.

Donna Smith Bignar: Heaven help us. God cannot be happy with America. We can all read in the Bible what happened to nations when they angered God. I am no longer just angry with the direction that Obama and those who are advising him and following him are taking this country. I am fearful of God's wrath upon this country if congress does not throw on the brakes. In two more years, we will not know America as the country our forefathers fought and died for.

Richard Myers: Another negative mark in History was made today (2 Peter 2:19) political correctness applied enough pressure allowing a curable sexual addiction to become ruled as part of a family role. No matter what, the homosexual couples still cannot create babies. However, it is also sad that they can adopt and force their lifestyle on children. Jehovah God please forgive this nation for not keeping you the holy Creator God you are. All our Leaders, Pastors and teachers in any position of authority who teach or lead anyone astray from any of Gods instructed Holy bible will be held accountable to an even higher standard when they meet God.

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