The Transgender thread (Split thread).

jeudi 24 mars 2022


Originally Posted by Les Butler (Post 16336670)
Besides having a go at Perce, do you think its fair for the other non-transgender swimmers (or women) that have to compete basically against a woman in a man's body?

A lap and a half ahead of some of the best women swimmers in the world?

Dunno feel it's unfair, have Transgender games ;)

I'll "have a go at Perce" (what's with the familiar name, you two got something going? ;)) because it's plain ignorant bigotry. As is what you have written there.

I'd suggest To view the link you have to Register or Login and recognise that the manufactured moral panic over trans athletes is *exactly* the same as the manufactured moral panics over CRT (banning teaching children that racism exists and is systemic, and slavery was bad) and activism for gay rights (see Big Blue's link a few posts back). The common context and goal here is regressivism: there's a natural order of the world which has white, straight, Christian, "male" men at the top of the hierarchy of "real" Americans, and the pursuit of equality, be that race, sexuality, gender is antithetical to this natural order - so much so that books have to be banned by law, rape victims punished by death if they seek an abortion, gay, trans, black people persecuted by law so they are crystal clear on their place well down the pecking order.

It's your right to subscribe to such views if you so wish, but have your eyes open that it's not actually about a moderately good swimmer winning some races, it's about imposing inequality and crushing democracy which is incompatible with the "freedom" of these people to impose their superiority onto others.

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