Eurovision 2022 Thread (The year UK finally turns up)

samedi 12 mars 2022

For years, the rhetoric has been that UK do poorly at Eurovision because 'it's political'.

Legit Eurovision fans know otherwise - its because UK sends poor/unmemorable songs nearly every year.

When UK bother to make an effort, the results show the Euro public will respond favourably (2009 & 2011 being the two examples from the last 20 years)

FINALLY, the powers that be have given us a good song, a decent music video and got Tik Tok star Sam Ryder representing the country with a song that's catchy and memorable. It's not for everyone, that's fine. The way the scoring is set up, being 'OK' doesn't cut it - it needs to be a love it or hate it song to actualy get people picking up the phone and voting. UK's last 4 or 5 songs have been perfectly inoffensive and 'radio friendly' but have finished nowhere, including a couple of last places in there as well.

For the first time since 2011 I'm choosing to listen to the UK entry on Alexa/Youtube etc. It's quality.

Not saying we'll win but for the first time since Blue in 2011, I think we MIGHT and that's a massive improvement.

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