Usual banter or grain of truth?

mercredi 17 février 2021

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The link above is an article in the Brighton and Hove Independent, asking the question; 'Do Crystal Palace fans secretly want their club to be more like Brighton?'

Yes, it can be dismissed as the usual, provocative, build-up banter. Or can it? Pretty sure none of us want to have reached the PL how Weed did it but can we honestly say we don't envy how their club is run, even if we dismiss, in turn, how they got their opportunity to be a PL club?

Is there anything we can learn from Bright*n, aside from being lucky enough to have an unbelievably generous Sugar Daddy, get away with some dodgy financial practices, seem to avoid injuries every season and play top teams just when they are playing their worst? Hand on heart and partizan considerations aside, can we take any lessons from how Weed handle themselves or is it simply down to incredibly fortuitous financial benevolence and luck on their part? I think it's a real question, given this crossroads we are at right now.

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