Long Covid

mardi 23 février 2021

Thread specifically about Long Covid.

Interested to hear your experiences. How long it lasted? Did anything help? Any point in going to the doctors?

Mine is only mild but it still really pisses me off. I had covid early Jan. A few days where I spent the mornings in bed knackered and dizzy but no biggie. I was mid cycling challenge when I got it, so jumped on my bike the day isolation finished feeling pretty good and had a few beers that evening thinking all is well. Felt awful the next day and that carried on for a couple of weeks. Foggy headed, often dizzy, occasional aches and headaches. Just over a week ago I thought I was ok again. Went for a less challenging bike ride, no booze after. Felt like crap again ever since and if anything it's getting worse. Some evenings I'm absolutely fine but it comes back. Don't think the Dr's can do much other than prescribe patience but I do have a blood test booked next week.

So keen to hear other experiences...

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