Customs Invoice help

samedi 20 février 2021

Hello hello,

Just after some advice really. Ordered some stuff from Spain in December (15th and 16th) which was then shipped on the 16th / 17th. Well before Brexit. Anyway after almost 2 months of chasing the package finally turns up, allegedly held at customs.

Anyway I received an invoice from FedEx/ TNT today asking me for £111.29 in customs fees to be paid before 19th March. They also sent a leaflet basically stating I have been sent this as the shipper has stated I am the payer of these fees.

Has anyone had a similar situation before? As far as I am concerned I placed the order in December and it was shipped in December well before the UK left the EU and thus shouldn't have even been subject to any post brexit fees / being held at customs as it should have arrived before the 31st December.

I've written as much to FedEx/ TNT but to be honest I can imagine them either writing back tough shit, or speak to the people who you ordered with. So if anyone has had a similar situation, and has any advice, or if anyone knows where I stand legally on this, it would be really helpful for some pointers please. :) Thanks.

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