Millions of flats can’t sell - HOUSING CRISIS

mercredi 6 janvier 2021

Thought I would try a Daily Express headline.

But it is a serious issue and one I’m in the middle of trying to sell.

Basically since Grenfell to sell flats with cladding lenders require an ews1 form do say they are safe. This was originally meant for blocks over 18m and with cladding. It’s now applied to basically any block of any size and even with no cladding. RICS surveyors are increasingly just ticking the box to say one is needed to cover themselves whatever the circumstances. The government in November tried to clarify when its needed but have managed to make the situation worse by highlighting the issue and making surveyors even more cautious.

Without an ews1 your flat is basically worthless if lenders want one.

There are very few specialist surveyors who can do the surveys so people are having to wait two years or more in some cases. And in many cases freeholders are just refusing to allow it to be done and you legally have no right to make them. Even if one is done, if work is needed it will then cost leaseholders tens of thousands of pounds and huge time scales.

To cut it short it basically means millions of people now can’t sell their flats. It’s still a total lottery whether a mortgage provider will ask for one in many cases but as said increasingly surveyors will.

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