Which Palace story would make a good film?

vendredi 15 janvier 2021

In the vain of ‘The Damned United’, which Palace events/era would make for a decent football drama?

If I had to make one, two come to mind:

Coppell 84 - 93: would be an inspiring and drama packed movie. Would centre on the young Coppell and Noades unlikely relationship, building the club from such a low base, alongside the Wright and Bright story - both coming from very difficult childhoods and making something out of nothing.

Would explore the tough start when the young players clashed with the older lot ending with the unbelievable juxtaposition of the Liverpool 0-9 and semi final triumph/Cup Final.

The Big Mal years: Kind of writes itself. Would make a great 70’s retro film with classic soundtrack - Bowie/T-Rex etc. The Fiona Richmond scenes would be worth it alone.

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