Drinking At Home

samedi 23 janvier 2021

I’ve bitten the bullet and purchased on of these home beer tap machines.

Couple of things I am wondering from all the experienced drinkers on here;

How much does the glass matter? I am currently drinking Heineken from an exceptionally old Stella chalice pint glass, and it’s not as carbonated as I’d like it. Seems to flat fairly quickly. Could the glass being very old and used a million times in the pub be the issue? Should I order some new glasses?

The actual machine is a sub compact made by Krups and I’m impressed so far, although mastering pouring a decent pint without wasting too much beer is proving hard work, especially when the average price is around £3 a pint!

I only drink mainstream lager so my choice is limited to some extent, but any suggestions from people that have the same machine on which lager pours and tastes best would be good!

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