Prince - A Video Retrospective

jeudi 21 janvier 2021

First thing's first, there's absolutely no way I'm chronologically wading my way through this guy's back catalogue, so this is an arbitrary wander through some of my favourite moments in the little man's career. I don't want to hear any bitching.

First up, 'U Got the Look'

Song 5/5
Video 5/5

Perhaps the most commercial single from his Sign of the Times album, this song features a sharp little vocal from Scotland's finest, Ms Sheena Easton. Lyrically, it's pretty much an ode to Cinatra's of Croydon, whereupon Prince spies a rare seductive siren amongst a sea of munters at closing time. Even the harsh lights they shine in your face to make you down the twenty half consumed pints you've accidentally amassed during the course of the evening due to constant interruptions by 'Come on Eileen' and 'I Found Lovin' fail to diminish her beauty. Musically, it's got funky guitars, a thumping drum beat and an eerie, echoey sound. Throw in some jacked up helium vocals, and we're good to go. Smashing.

The video is set up as a dream sequence in Paris. After ironing his underpants, the drudgery of domestic chores causes Prince to doze off momentarily and we enter a dream sequence. Not surprisingly, this seems to encompass a number of scantily clad people of both sexes, some human wheelbarrowing, and Sheena's knockers bouncing in and out of a bra top. Prince's drummer, the great Sheila E, kicks off festivities dressed as a kinky cowgirl wearing a spray on white ensemble leaving little to the imagination. Never has a woman simultaneously handled two sticks with such consummate ease and panache. She leads out Prince's team of musical superheroes, including the similarly alluringly attired Cat Glover.

Prince himself of course is dressed in half a dead ostrich, skin tight trousers with holes cut in the hips, and heels. He has the last laugh though, because he was probably banging your girlfriend at the time, plus stealing her eye makeup.

There's some fun choreography, Sheila humping the shit out of her drums as usual, and Prince looking rightly smug when Sheena tells him that his face is jamming. Sheena herself is looking good, but despite her attempts to look edgy, she does somewhat look like she's a paralegal from local law firm who was slipped some rohypnol by an androgynous biker gang during an after work drinks party.

The video concludes amidst a screeching guitar solo refrain with a prince being dragged away by Cat in a semi consensual male rape scene. It breaks off at the end to Prince 'waking up' from the 'dream scene'. In reality, we all know it wasn't a dream, but more a factual retelling of a standard day in the great man's life. His wry smile at the end tells you all you need to know - he doesn't even have to say the words "yes, of course I banged every bitch on that stage".

Here we are, folks - the dream we all dream of....

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