Wish - online retail app

mercredi 15 janvier 2020

Hi, this may be a dumb question but I get bombarded with online Adverts from WISH whenever I check FB and just about everything looks ridiculously cheap. is this for real or just a neat way to capture a huge database of credit card and user information? I am pretty aware of anything that looks too good and so have stared away because it rarely turns out to be safe. I did quick dig around online and it seems connected to the alibaba ceo but I am not sure that’s making me any more comfortable.

Anyone else using this or know if it’s ok to use. I know one person that uses it but tbh after asking them about it they have no idea but just signed up because things were free. Right..... so how many times does that happen? And how well does it typically end up? Did I say I was sceptical? :)

Anyone know anything ?

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