New Five Year Plan fanzine out Saturday

jeudi 30 janvier 2020

Just to let you know that there will be a new FYP Fanzine #54 out on Saturday.

It will be on sale for £2 and we will have sellers at the top and bottom of Holmesdale Road and on Park Road, coming up from Norwood Junction. I will try to get a seller at the Whitehorse Lane End of the ground too.

As well as an interview from Perth with Tony Popovic and features with Matt Woosnam and Palace fans across Europe there are also differing views on how the season is going: 1) Is Roy one of our greatest managers ever? 2) Has he been let down by Steve Parish and the other owners? 3) Is watching Palace this season like pulling teeth.

I read quite a bit of the BBS and quite enjoy the differences of opinion. If you would like to express an opinion on any topic Palace-related then please let me know. That could be on the style of play; thoughts on the club charging fans for streams and also having to pay a full adult cost to upgrade a child season ticket for an individual game to an adult one; the owners' reluctance to put their hands in their pockets - anything.

Give the fanzine a try and feel free to contribute.

Thanks, Tom

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