Throw ins

jeudi 23 janvier 2020

Something that really has annoyed me of late is how shocking we are at throw ins. We always lose possession from our throw ins and let the opposition easily retain the ball from theirs. Do they never practice this?

We never have anyone show for the ball so the thrower is just forced to throw it up the line into a melee of heads where we inevitably lose it and we don't mark tightly enough when the opposition have a throw so they just retain possession with ease.

I'd love to see some stats from the Southampton game on possession following throws, i imagine they'd be shocking.

We have struggled a lot of late to get hold of the ball in all our games so this is an important thing to get right. Just like set pieces it needs to be relentlessly practiced and just like our success from set pieces it leaves a lot to be desired.

I know Roy likes to drill the team relentlessly but is it the case he's so busy doing that he's ignoring these fairly essential aspects of the game??

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