NHS funding

jeudi 19 décembre 2019

This was from the speech today

Ministers are making big play of the extra funding, but experts within the health service have warned even with the above-inflation sums going in, it will take years to turn the NHS around and get it back to where it was a decade ago in terms of waiting times and performance - perhaps even a decade.

What I don’t understand is if more and more money has been given to the NHS each year why its having these problems. If the money equals inflation it can only mean a demand for services. Diabetes and overweight? Elderly longer living? Higher population or all three? At what point do you have to stop and simply say that’s it? As a point if I was asked to pay some more tax for it to into the NHS I absolutely would. After seeing the JOE video to guess prices in the USA I realised I had been taking the NHS for granted.

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