Amazon: a beast of a corporation

samedi 21 décembre 2019

The Amazon monopoly and the problem with Jeff Bezo’s business model:
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I have woken up over the last few weeks that Amazon is a growing beast that is taking a grip over everyone, killing all it’s competition, not of a monopoly of product but of the market place itself. At now time is it more visible all the amazon packages in my street as everyone purchases their Christmas presents. Amazon will continue to grow as people want convenience, but this comes at a price as we are funding a corporation that has more money than countries, that doesn't pay tax anywhere and causes a greater carbon footprint due to all the packages travelling around the world.

I’m going to give my money to local shops rather than a growing multinational with zero societal or environmental conscience. Sure my few hundreds of pounds a year won’t make a difference and I’m sure I’m going to get some flax from people.

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