Advice on Landlord

samedi 13 juillet 2019

Hello all.

So earlier this year I started renting a room in a house share near Maidenhead. The live out Landlord seemed like a nice enough guy. Before I moved in I paid him a month upfront as a deposit and I asked him to provide me with a tenancy agreement which he said he would sort out.

Flash forward 6 months and I never got a tenancy agreement. I have also requested smoke alarms to be installed multiple times but that has never happened.

As recent as last month the power in the house stopped working due to dodgy wiring that took 2 months to fix.

The shower was also not working for the past 6 months until he recently replaced it.

Recently one of the house mates moved out and he moved a new fella in which is fine but he has now decided the house is not up to the standard he wishes it to be cleanliness wise. The house is far from a tip though. It just doesnt get a lot of love from the tennants as even though its where we live we are all barely actually home most of the week due to work or staying with our partners else where. Anyways he has decided to employ a cleaner and add this to our Rent saying he expects us to pay £40 this month each as the cleaner will be doing 3 hours a week. Bare in mind the house is only a small semi detached house and the only communal areas are a kitchen, a dining room and lounge that no one uses, a hall way and a bathroom. I feel like the whole house could be cleaned within 2 to 3 hours top once a month.

My question is this. Without any formal agreement in place can he do this?

Considering all the shit that has gone wrong since moving in I feel like this is an excessive amount of cleaning and money required by himself. Is there anything I can do?

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