Hearing Aids

lundi 10 septembre 2018

As the BBS gets older, I’m sure I’m not alone in having to wear hearing aids. I’ve had mine for a week now and so far, I’m not impressed with the experience.

Everything sounds tinny, and the frequency of electric motors in air conditioning and fans is really annoying as it sounds crackly and high pitched. As for typing on a keyboard and clicking a mouse, the sound is very high pitched and VERY annoying.

Yesterday in a restaurant the background hubbub noise was horrible, and made listening to direct conversation with table companions no less easy than not wearing the aids. I have to say the same about watching TV, I’m not hearing any improvement on clarity, especially in movies and dramas.

I’m going back to the audiologist tomorrow for a follow-up, hopefully they can do some fine tuning. For what these things cost I should be able to hear like the Bionic Man!

Please someone tell me this is normal, and my brain just needs to get used to the new sounds.

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