Solicitor advice pls...

mardi 25 septembre 2018

I wonder if anyone out there can help me.

I'm selling a property... the last 3 weeks, there has been no movement. The buyer has called/texted me, to say their solicitor is blaming my solicitor for delay. I call/email my solicitor,(and surprise surprise) they blame the other solicitor. I get a call this morning from buyer, she's upset... she's on a deadline, she's stressed and she explains that delay is costing her (and me) £££.
I again phone my solicitor. I explain the situation. My solicitor explains they have sent out draft contracts, but have yet to hear back. She advises me to call Estate Agent, to see if he can move things along.
I phone the estate agent, I explain the delay... he interrupts me...

Estate agent: hang on, are they seriously blaming each other for delay?

Me: Yes.

Estate agent: You and the buyer are using the same firm... their offices are opposite each other!

I phone back my solicitors, I ask her what firm the buyer is using... she taps away on her laptop... she goes quiet... she says... "oh, this is embarrassing, they're using us".

I'm a little pissed off... it's too late to change solicitors, but I'm not happy at the service I'm receiving.
My buyer is at her wits end.

Do I (and buyer) have grounds for complaint, or is this all part n parcel of the property selling business?


P.S. the other thing that pisses me off.... Is I only find out about delay from buyer, my solicitor seems incapable of communicating with me.

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