An example of what is wrong with The US Health System

mardi 4 septembre 2018

I have the pleasure of having to start wearing hearing aids. About a month back I had the tests and was advised of the need to wear them. I was quoted $7,000 for the pair which included the testing and the fitting etc.. I was told, “Oh don’t worry this won’t cost you anything, your insurance will cover it all”.

Fast forward a month and I get the statement from the insurance company. The audiology place had billed the insurance for $13,000+ for the pair of aids! The insurance company states this is above and beyond established cost and will only pay $7,000. Funny how that worked out.

Although not directly affected by this, I fear ultimately, I the consumer does pay for this skullduggery. This is all legitimate and above-board practice, but just doesn’t sit well with me.

Looking at the hearing aids themselves (as a retired engineer) I would say parts and labour would put them at about 5 to 10 dollars each max. But that’s another whole thread for another day!

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