March Betting Masters - 172

mercredi 28 février 2018

BM - 172..All welcome, show the BBS who the best punter is; don't delay join today

Previous winners:

1: el mico
2: three-way 0-0-0 final draw !!!(Plugster, late mail and odds against)
3: Finbar
4: Grim Reaper
5: EagleSE24
7: Stigma
8: Stigma
9: Stigma
10: Tor
11: Finbar
12: Finbar
13: old git
Overall best betting in 2004: Stigma
14. Reps AJ
15. bradley eagle
16. Tor
18. stevejfh
19. Tor
20. Finbar
21. Drunk eagle
22. Ozeagle
24. Wildcat Army
Overall best better in 2005: stevejfh
26: si1965
27: Ozeagle
28: srs9jps
29. si1965
30: hakers
31: Tor (WC '06)
32: srs9jps
33: NO1FAN
34: Drunk eagle
35: Stigma
36: Stigma
37: DedBallSpeshlst
Overall best better in 2006: Flat Noodle
39: Finbar
40: richdeniro
41: Stigma
Champions league winner 06/07: Ian Hart
UEFA Cup winner 06/07: Gav The Hamster
42: Finbar
43: Funk Butter
44: PoolKing
45: Funk Butter
46: Drunk Eagle
47: StuNick
48: Stigma
49: StuNick
Champions league winner 07/08-1: Finbar
UEFA Cup winner 07/08-1: Gav The Hamster
Overall best better in 2007: Finbar
50: GodstoneEagle
51: Funk Butter
52: Finbar
53: Funk Butter
55: Al From Bromley
56: Stigma
2008 Olympics: pauldrulez
57: pauldrulez
58: NO1FAN
59: Al From Bromley
60: Drunk Eagle
Overall best better in 2008: StuNick
61: StuNick
62: ardeo
63: Stigma
65: Finbar
66: No1Fan
67: Al From Bromley
68: Al From Bromley
69: Funk Butter
70: DedBallSpeshlst
71: Kayjay
72: Gooders
73: gjohnk
Overall best better in 2009: Funk Butter
74: Finbar
75: StuNick
76: DedBallSpeshlst
77: Swanny32
78: Funk Butter
79: Funk Butter
80: gjohnk
81: Finbar
82: MynamenisnotMax
83: No1Fan
84: gjohnk
85: Little Fozzie
World Cup 2010 winner: old git
Overall best better in 2010: ?????
86: Flat Noodle
87: Finbar
88: GodstoneEagle
89: Flat Noodle
90: mynameisnotmax
91: Louis
92: Funk Butter
93: gjohnk
94: DedBallSpeshlst
95: Stigma
96: cantspell
97: No1Fan
2011 Order of Merit Winner: Finbar

March 100th edition knockout special: Little Fozzie
Champions league winner 1st half 2011: Finbar
Champions league winner 2nd half 2011: StuNick
Jan - May UEFA Cup winner 2011: StuNick
Aug - Dec UEFA Cup winner 2011: Housey100

98: 3 Beers at HT
99: StuNick
100: cantspell
101: Funk Butter
102: Finbar
103: Swanny32
104: Funk Butter
105: Louis
106: srs9jps
107: Funk Butter
109: Funk Butter
2012 Order of Merit Winner: Funk Butter

August - Dec 2012 Champions League winner: Swanny32
August - Dec 2012 UEFA Cup winner: JamTheEagle

Jan - May 2012 Champions League winner: No1Fan
Jan - May 2012 UEFA Cup winner: Ian Hart
110: Louis
111: Louis
112: Gooders
113: Finbar
114: Little Fozzie
115: StuNick
116: Flat Noodle
117: Louis
118: evvo111
119: srs9jps
120: StuNick
2013 Order of Merit Winner: Louis

Jan - May 2013 Champions League Winner: Gooders
Jan - May 2013 UEFA Cup winner: Scoopster
Aug - Dec 2013 Champions League Winner: Little Fozzie
Aug - Dec 2013 UEFA Cup Winner: Stigma
122: No1Fan
123: PoolKing
125: 3 Beers at HT
126: Louis
127: Finbar
129: 3 Beers at HT
130: Finbar
131: Funk Butter
132: Stig
133: Louis

2014 Order of Merit winner: Finbar
Jan - May 2014 Champions League Winner: Stigma
Jan - May 2014 UEFA Cup winner: Bellyman
Aug - Dec 2014 Champions League Winner: Ardeo
Aug - Dec 2014 UEFA Cup Winner: PoolKing
Winter Olympics 2014 Winner: srs9jps

134: Gooders
135: Finbar
136: 3 Beers at HT
137: Funk Butter
138: €pfc
139: Gooders
140: Funk Butter
141: Louis
142: evvo111
143: pauldrulez
144: Louis
145: evvo111

2015 Order of Merit winner: Finbar
Jan - May 2015 Champions League Winner: Funk Butter
Jan - May 2015 UEFA Cup winner: Flat Noodle
Aug - Dec 2015 Champions League Winner: PoolKing
Aug - Dec 2015 UEFA Cup Winner: Little Fozzie
146: Louis
147: PoolKing
148: Louis
149: evvo111
151: StuNick
152: 3 Beers at HT
153: evvo111
154: Finbar
155: 3 Beers at HT
156: Finbar
157: StuNick
2016 Order of Merit winner: StuNick
Jan - May 2016 Champions League Winner: Finbar
Jan - May 2016 UEFA Cup winner: Little Fozzie
Euros 2016 special winner: 3 Beers at HT
2016 Olympics Winner: Funk Butter
Aug - Dec 2016 Champions League Winner: gjohnk
Aug - Dec 2016 UEFA Cup Winner: €pfc

158: 3 Beers at HT
159: Stigma
160: Finbar
161: 3 Beers at HT
162: StuNick
163: Louis
164: Louis
165: PoolKing
166: Louis
167: Finbar
168: Kayjay
169: StuNick
2017 Order of Merit winner: StuNick
Jan - May 2017 Champions League Winner: gjohnk
Jan - May 2017 UEFA Cup winner: Funk Butter
Aug - Dec 2017 Champions League Winner: StuNick
Aug - Dec 2017 UEFA Cup Winner: Louis

Rules are as follows

1 Every player has 200 points to bet with in the first round.

2 Each separate bet made is 10 points meaning players have 20 bets during the first 20 days. Maximum bet on a single market is 10 points, same rule applies for identical multis (basically no duplicate bets though you can do a team A, team B double on one bet and then add team C for a treble in another bet)

3 In the second round the 4* finalists all start by carrying forward 25% of their score from the first round added to the 150 points that can bet used in the second round. The person who qualifies for the final with the most points also gets an additional 10pt bet. (*if the number of participants gets to 16 or more, then a 5th finalist place will be added and then one more for every 5 players on top of that).

4 Betting Masters, first group stages runs from 0000 on the first of the month (standard UK time) to 2359hrs on the 20th of the month. Then the top four* posters come together in a mini league from there on until the end of the month.
Final bet settlement must occur before 2359 on the last day of the month.

5 Naturally the winner is the person with the highest score at the end of the last day of the month.

6 Scoring consists of total winnings and is inclusive of 10 point stake i.e. someone bets on a 6/4 horse and it wins their score becomes 25 (15 points profits plus the 10 pt stake) There is no score for any bets not used. Losing bets are scored as zero, not -10.
Any bet from an exchange bookie will have a 4% commission (on the winnings), if nothing else is explicitly stated in the post.

7 Players must quote where they're getting their prices.

8 Singles and upwards accepted.

9 For boxed multis and bets such as Yankees, each separate bet within the bet counts as separate and will cost 10pts per bet. e.g. ten trebles from five selections will use up 100 points.

10. E/W bets are counted as two bets in the masters, which means 10 points x 2

11. For tracking purposes, players are requested to put the outcome of their bets on the post for all events other than European soccer/tennis.

12. Where possible players are requested to put down a running total of their bets in their posts, although I'll also try and produce rolling league tables where possible.

13. After a bet has been posted up, one is not allowed to edit it..

14. The bets must be possible to do in real life, meaning for example that if you got a multi, all the odds have to come from 1 bookmaker. You can’t shop around for the highest odds and put them together. "Special promotion" type bets are not allowed though BOG (Best Odds Guaranteed) are.

15. Bets must be placed at odds of 1/10 (or 1.1 in decimal) or higher

16. Any Draw No Bet bets where the result is a push will always have the bet settled as void, never 10pts. Any asian handicap bet where the result is a push (in full) will have the bet settled as void. Any asian handicap where half of the stake is returned will be marked down as 5pts with the remainder of the Asian handicap settled as a win or a loss (this is applicable for asian handicaps such as 2.25 or -2, -2.5 etc)

17. In the event that a player is not sure if their bet will finish in time, before midnight on the 20th or midnight for qualifying midnight on the final day of the month for the final, they can make a provisional bet or bets which then become actual bets only if their original selection(s) finishes at 12.01am or after

CPFC in the USA SCARF Presale!!!

PRESALE $13 (REGULARLY $16) plus s&h
PORTION OF PROCEEDS DONATED TO: Palace for Life Foundation & Eagle Heights Wildlife Foundation

We will be shipping these from within the UK for those in the UK and Europe so s&h is 4 pounds for up to 2 scarves in the UK. Email us for larger orders or european shipping!

The ones we love....

Just watched the latest walking dead episode and it made me think of loved ones and also mortality.

In my early 20s I lost two close cousins within a year of each other. Both in car crashes. I had a nervous break down afterwards and nearly two decades on it still pains me deeply and it’s heartbreaking for parents to have to see their children pass away, something I now realise more than ever. I also think that if they had the best cars, with all the best safety equipment, they would still be with us, but that’s an aside.

Love and mortality take up more of my mind as I get older. The other day I thought something might have happened to someone very close to me and they are a single parent. They were fine but as I drove closer to their flat, praying that they and their child were ok, I could barely drive and was really shaken. I think children make you much more aware of how fragile life can be and how protective you become. It’s also why I find it so sad how callous some are to migrants and others who are in difficult situations when it could be your child or family member.

I am lucky in my life to have had a beautiful family, wonderful partners, and seen amazing things in life. I have also seen pain, hardship and difficult times for loved ones and indeed, at times, myself. This is life for most of us, although many poor souls don’t get to see much of the beautiful side.

But in terms of how fragile life is, is there any way of coming to terms with that, or do we just put it to the back of our minds?


Anyone else play this?
I'm strangely gripped by it but completely rubbish. Zero kills in ten games, although I got to 17th in my first game.

Planning for the championship ?

If you was planing for the championship 2018/19 what would your plans be ?

Hats Off

Or more likely On.

I had a request from Shoreditch to set up a hats thread.

Post up pics of yourself in hats, or hats in general, or other people in hats - both as a good look or ridiculous.

Thank You From the Crystal Cheerleaders

Surprised not to see a thread about our cheer performance this weekend - despite a disappointing game!

Coldest I remember it - maybe I should start a petition that we can wear tracksuits below a certain temperature - although not sure how many of you would sign it!

Just wanted to post after lurking for so long to say thanks for the cheers back at the weekend.


Former Yugoslavia and the War

Ok the title seems a bit weird maybe, but looking at the team Yugoslavia had in the Early 1990s before the Bosnian War kicked off and how good subsequent split teams have been at times like Croatia, just how good could that Yugoslavia team have been? Obviously Denmark took their place and won It, I wonder how Yugoslavia would have faired... Croatia went on to finish 3rd at the World Cup 6 years later.

The actual reason I got thinking about this was that Red Star Belgrade won the European Cup and subsequent Intercontinetal Cup in 1991. There was obviously a real talent around Yugoslavia at the time, you kind of have to wonder where they as a footballing nation and their clubs might have been now had the War not split it all up?!

The future of American unions hangs in the balance

mardi 27 février 2018

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Heart-warming stories

Not many in the newspapers, and even less in GCC, nowadays.

But I enjoyed reading To view the link you have to Register or Login today - JOEL SAYER AND CADDIE, AUTISTIC BOY AND ASSISTANCE DOG.

Maybe other people have other pleasant stories to add?

Sky Sports anchor Simon Thomas "Telling son his mummy had died was horrendous"

Very sad...

Simon’s wife Gemma passed away last November, just three days after being diagnosed with acute myeloid leukaemia.

Speaking to BBC Radio 5 live’s Anna Foster, Simon spoke about his grief, and about supporting their son Ethan.

Simon said: “You can’t dress it up, I said ‘mummy’s died’ and he collapsed onto the floor in tears. And we rolled around the floor together, and it was horrendous. I kept saying, we’re going to be ok.”

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Seems it's not what you know, but who you know...
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How rife is cronyism (and nepotism) in Britain?

Bespoke Suit

lundi 26 février 2018


Any recommendations for a decent tailor that can puty together a bespoke suit by March 23rd?

South London and Central London areas preferably, don't want to travel too far.

Budget upto £500.

Many thanks.

The heartbreaking truth behind Wayne Hennessey’s dip in form

My 19 year old son at uni doing journalism sent me this; (made me smile in these days of doom and gloom), nothing particularly against Wayne; tongue in cheek stuff - just a bit of fun:
On the 24th of January 1987, the world welcomed a young Welshman known as Wayne. Wayne Hennessey.
His parents were delighted with the arrival of their seemingly healthy young boy, however his health deteriorated rapidly over the first few months of infancy. Wayne was in and out of hospital regularly with fears that he was developing a rare virus which affected the shape of his limbs. Unfortunately, for the Hennessey family, the tests for the virus proved positive and Wayne had in fact developed CPH.

CPH is more commonly known to the public as Crisp Packet Hands.
Young Hennessey’s hand actually began to take the shape of crisp packets. Although this put a major dent in his dreams of becoming a hand model for H.Samuel, he found that having hands shaped like a Mccoys bag actually made him fairly handy (pardon the pun) when playing goalkeeper.

Hennessey used his oversized palms to his advantage while playing between the sticks, leading to a swift rise through the ranks of Wolverhampton Wanderers, establishing himself as a top class keeper.
Then came the January of 2014.
Crystal Palace were in a desperate search for a new keeper as Julian Speroni had been playing consecutively for the last 6,271 seasons for the Eagles, and desperately needed a break to have a look at local care homes and Hennessey looked like the ideal replacement.

During the Palace medical, the club physio at the time, Alex Manos, noticed that Wayne’s CPH virus was actually progressively getting worse. When Manos was about to pull the plug on the transfer because of the virus, Hennessey started to blackmail him.
The details of the blackmail are unclear but rumours have me to believe that Hennessey had obtained an obscene video involving Manos and a tub of hummus.

Hennessey swiftly passed the medical.

When Hennessey debuted for the Eagles, his CPH syndrome was barely visible, he looked fairly tidy, and him playing meant that Speroni could really focus on his crossword puzzles and sudoku to keep his cognitive skills switched on.
However, during the the start of the 14/15 season, disaster struck.
Hennessey’s CPH virus had gotten worse. Not only did his hands now take the shape of crisp packets, they were now made of the same material. Any football struck at his hands would just pass right through him like a chicken madras.
This, combined with his phobia of claiming crosses (stemmed from his family being murdered by a corner kick), meant that someone would have to check Speroni’s pulse and wake him up from his afternoon nap so he could save the Eagles.

However, after Julian’s 76th hip replacement surgery, Wayne is still Palace’s first choice keeper and who am i to discriminate against someone with a disability as severe as CPH syndrome? At least the bloke has a big rod.

God bless you crisp packet Hennessey. God bless you.

Red and Blue News Facebook

Does anyone else follow this page?

Saw the live chat with Nick Philpot & Jel Holyoake earlier and thought it was good.

Radiator Help

Sorry for what is probably a really simple answer but as long as I've lived in my current flat (nearly 3 years!) I've not been 100% sure how the thermostat controls on one of the radiators work as it's a type I have not seen before. Can anyone give some guidance in what I need to do to adjust the temperature?

I have tried looking online but I don't know how to describe the control.


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Abuse concerns over unregistered schools

Have just watched this piece on the BBC News at Six.

I had no idea that this sort of issue was as prevalent as the report suggests. What's equally worrying is that more than half of these 'establishments' have not been checked in any way shape or form.

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Any house planners on here?

Question for anyone who works in planning.

I have a house and to one side there was a sunlounge which I knocked down last year cos it was frankly dangerous.

I'm now knocking a few rooms into a larger kitchen at the rear and was wondering if I could simply rebuild the sunlounge as a utility room under permitted development rules?


Back post at corners

Our defending of the back post at corners is diabolical. There's no-one on the back post. There's no-one to head it away in the six-yard box at the back stick. We have conceded twice in the last 2 games because of this. Gaping holes. 4 more points if we had someone performing this basic function. With Sorloth and Benteke to help out the defenders we shouldn't be conceding from corners. Simple as that. I'd put Sorloth defending the near post (where Benteke is currently), Benteke defending the far post. And maybe someone like PVA on the back post. Hope they have a look at it in training. It's not good enough.

How do we still only have 2 fit strikers?

Apologies for bringing this up again, but I still can't believe the situation we are in and really am surprised more people don't seem perplexed by it.

Let's have a look at some clubs that are similar to us in size and time spent in the top flight recently:

Bournemouth = x4 fit strikers, including Wilson, King and Defoe (all capable options)

Burnley = x4 strikers (Wood has a small injury right now)

Brighton (only just promoted) = x5 fit striker, including Murray, Ulloa.

Watford = x4 fit strikers

So imagine going half a season watching your only fit striker (Benteke) get injured and then turn in a terrible first half of the campaign, low on confidence and way way out of form. Let's not forget that Campbell left in June and Wickham got injured over a year ago! So really this situation should have been dealt with six months ago.

Not a criticism of Sorloth, he may well come good, but how on earth have we not brought in at least one more striker with something to actually offer instead of Benteke?!? Just someone with experience and a certain style of play - no need to try and get someone to score 20+ goals, just someone, almost for the sake of having another option.

The same thing applies to our current situation with wingers. Sako was injured before the window closed and yet we rolled on with just Wilf and Townsend, and you know what happened next...

Staggering complacency or terrible management of FFP from the owners. I am very concerned by Steve Parish's approach to this all, which was unforgettably spelt out in his "maybe the sun won't com up" Twitter rant in autumn last year. Gambling on not getting injuries in a season when we've already had real injury problems is a ridiculous risk to take in the January window.

Jach and Rakip - wow. Two of the poorest signings we've ever made. Before you say "you've not even seen them play" - that is the whole point, THEY ARE NOT READY TO PLAY. The manager won't select them, so what's the point?!?! How complacent would you have to be to buy only the three players we bought. The poor manager was crying out for players. He explicitly said he need to bring in a goalkeeper and we messed it up, embarrassingly being exposed by another chairman for our clumsy, disrespectful last minute bid for their goalie. As for Rakip on a six month loan, what is that about?

Roy worked a miracle dragging us out of that mess from the start of the season.

After five years in the top flight and I still feel decisions are made on recruitment based on Steve Parish's hunches, which are no more intuitive than
yours or mine.

Strangely only Spurs are gambling as much as we are, with just Kane and Llorente.

A Book/Reading App for Series


I am looking to try and find an App for Apple where I can see which books in a series I have read, which ones I haven't and when new ones are coming out...

If I put in Fellowship of the Ring (Lord of the Rings) then it will have a separate folder telling me that after Lord of the Rings is The Two Towers and then The Return of the King... So I know which book to buy next and which ones I have read.

That's a pretty basic example, but I am reading a few different series and get confused about what I have read and what I should be reading next and just want to find a way to simplify it! I have looked at a few book apps but none seem to link the book into a series...

Anyone found anything similar?

Cheers :p

Computer repairs

Anyone know anywhere good and reliable??
My laptop suddenly won't load Windows. Suspect hard drive failure.
Hoping I can find someone to repair it or at least very the data off it.

Croydon / Beckenham / Caterham areas.

HF Bingo

Following on from HRP's thread about SP's quotes on the pitch at the end of the season, I thought we could play a bit of HF Bingo....

Eyes down for a (half) full house.....

Cilckety-Click - Community
On it's own - Lifeblood
Two Fat Ladies - Fanbase
Maggie's Den - Safe Standing
Kelly's Eye - South London
Knock at the Door - Against Modern Football
Unlucky for Some - Panionas
Key of the Door - Julian Speroni
Two Little Ducks - Dougie
Gateway to Heaven - Atmosphere
Buckle my Shoe - Loyal

Water damage

Had a burst pipe last week in the kitchen under the floor that we had to get fixed.

Previous house owner had used any old cheap bit of piping to bodge it together. Had to rip up part of the flooring to get to it and fix it (plumber did it)

Got a surveyor coming around today from the insurance company to assess the damage. We are covered for water damage but not any investigative or pipe repair work. We've got the same flooring across the whole of the ground floor of the house.

Obviously I'd rather the floor in the kitchen matched the rest of the ground floor like it does now. Anyone had surveyors around before for water damage. What's the crack? Keen to get an idea before he turns up.

Crystal Ball Parish on the pitch v WBA last game of the season

A chance to play Parish bingo here. No doubt the chairman will be on the pitch after the game against WBA.

List your 10 Parish quotes here that he will say.

1) will be busy in the summer
2) been a difficult season learnt from mistakes
3) fans have been fantastic need your support more than ever next season
4) Hodgson has done a fantastic job and Dougie will be working closely with him
5) looking forward to the new stand
6) club is in good financial position
7) wilf not for sale but will sell if it’s in the players and clubs interest
8) has some hard decisions to make but **** you lot who have been coming to games before me, we are moving you out of your seats.
9) new kit next season may not be stripes
10) looking to play more youth team players next season

Things that excite you

dimanche 25 février 2018

Waking up on a saturday morning and no work and a French stick loaded with bacon to start the day

Leicester City Centre

Major incident....

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Nothings changed

As gutted we all are at the lost point it changes nothing.

Unfortunately, we are robbed of big players that would enable us to have a go at these tough set of games and pick up few points.

Unless we get a few unexpected points from United/Chelsea/Liverpool, Our battle starts from Huddersfield and with key players back for the run in hopefully we will need 36 min to 38 points i think.

1st scenario 2nd scenario
Huddersfield Town v Crystal Palace W D
Crystal Palace v Liverpool L L
AFC Bournemouth v Crystal Palace D W
Crystal Palace v Brighton & Hove Albion W D
Watford v Crystal Palace L L
Crystal Palace v Leicester City D D
Stoke City v Crystal Palace L D
Crystal Palace v West Bromwich Albion W W

Total points 38 Total points 37

Now, this is my way to get perspective of what we can achieve till the end of the season instead of worrying like every weekend is do or die.

I think these 2 scenarios are achievable with players back and that's writing united and chelsea off.

that run in does not scare me and with players back and the need for momentum for last 6-8 games I would choose these all day long.

Of course Just my humble view.

Suggested Team and Formation For: Man utd Home

Time to give the guys we signed a run out i think


Wan-Bissaka Jach Delaney Pva

Lee Rakip Riedewald Nya Kirby

Benteke Sorloth

No doubt some of you will think i am mad but lest rest some players ahead of some winable games and lets see what the players we bought in have to offer for the fight ahead and lets be honest we are not gonna beat utd even with the team we had out today

Benteke should also donate his wages to charity until he scores again


Couldn't see another thread so...

Thrown right in at the deep end, but came out of it admirably today. Lost the ball a couple of times, yet found the strength, pace and determination to get it back. I was surprised how confident he seemed and think the young man deserves some praise. Let's hope he can continue playing the way he did today, because he proved he could have a good future.

Things That Bore You

The EPL Caripoo Cup Final
Manchester City
Leonard from Big Bang Theory

Tories to pay troll army.

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Great, so if a Tory tries to argue with you on Twitter, just tell them they're only saying it because they're being paid.

What an own goal, if yer going to do something like it, don't put it in your 'flagship' paper.

And these people are in charge of leaving the EU with minimal damage to the U.K.

Player Ratings And Reviews: Spurs (home)

Poll to follow

The bench

I am a big supporter of Steve Parish and the board for the progress we have made in his tenure and absolutely hate the vitriol towards him on social media......

But...... That bench today shows that there has been a monumental cock up this season and even if we get lucky and stay up there needs to be a lot of soul searching before next season .

Lower Holmesdale Season Tickets 2018/19

Just got the following email from the Club. Anyone got any idea what is happening?

Dear Season Ticket Holder

Season Tickets for the 2018/19 season are now on sale.

However, we are currently reviewing the configuration in the Lower Holmesdale, with a view to enhancing both the atmosphere in the stadium and safety and security which means Season Tickets in this stand are currently not available to renew.

For any enquiries, please contact or 08712 00 00 71 (Calls to this number are charged at 10p per minute from a BT landline, and will cost more from mobiles)

Kind regards
The Box Office

The mystery of the lower Holmesdale email .

What's happening to the lower Holmesdale to stall the sale of season tickets ?

So what’s that one song..

samedi 24 février 2018

Watching your favourite band, what’s the one song you’re gutted if they don’t play it?

Me? Springsteen and Thunder Road.


R.I.P Emma Chambers

Died today aged 53. Farewell the Vicar's side kick.:(

Live Com and Updates: Crystal Palace V Tottenham Hotspur (12:00 KO SKY)

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Our record signing 14 million pound Jurgen Locadia

Two games two goals :love:

Match Updates: 24th/25th February

Saturday 24 February


Leicester v Stoke [Sky]


Bournemouth v Newcastle
Brighton v Swansea
Burnley v Southampton
Liverpool v West Ham
West Brom v Huddersfield


Watford v Everton [BT Sport]

Sunday 25 February


Crystal Palace v Tottenham [Sky]


Manchester United v Chelsea [Sky]

Mary vs Mungo vs Midge

vendredi 23 février 2018

Who is the hardest?

Labour's general secretary Iain McNicol resigns

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Great news. Tick tock.

Roy Hodgson in 1979

Here for your interest is a piece and picture of Roy Hodgson December 1979.

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Stephen Fry

has prostate cancer. Undergoing treatment. Best wishes you national treasure you.

American Eagles - Can you please fill this out

Hi if you have owned a pet currently or in the last 5 years could you please do me a favour and fill this out.

*Americans only please

Should take you about 30 secs.


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When Good Bands turn Rubbish

Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Over to you...

Anna Frid v Benny v Agnetha v Bjorn v Volvo

I'll go for the car

John v Paul v George v Ringo

All cunts or just McCuntney?

Suggestion: Toby Alderweireld

Seems to be unsettled at Spurs over wages. Would make a good replacement for Damien Delaney.

Dave Dee Vrs Dozy Vrs Beaky Vrs Mick Vrs Titch

Who wins in a music fight. :p

Press Conference Live: Pre-Tottenham Friday 1:30pm

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For Moody Blues Fans

jeudi 22 février 2018

I've just been re-listening to the first seven albums up to and including Seventh Sojourn, it used to be On the threshold of a Dream was what I considered their best album but had a change of heart and think their best album musically is Every good boy deserves favour. Thoughts any moodies fans?

Palace vs. Spuds on Aus TV

Any down under dudes now if Optus is showing the match on Sunday night? Currently not showing on the planner :(

Accommodation advice needed - East Croydon area

I am supervising a lad at work, aged about 23, who has recently moved to East Croydon area for work. He has zero ties to the local area though, with all his social and family links in the North and Midlands. He is a Sheffield Wednesday fan but a polite, good-natured lad.

I 'supervise' at arms length because I am actually a contractor myself based 50 miles away, so we only meet face to face every 2 or 3 weeks, when we mostly talk footy and maybe catch up a bit on work.

Every time we meet he seems more and more down and I can't really blame him. Totally out my hands, our employer is making all permanent staff like him re-apply for his own job. He has only been in the job 4 months and now risks a pay cut or losing it all together. Almost all the other employees are girls who clique together very much.

What's more he is in a house-share near East Croydon which also sounds pretty awful. All the occupants are at least 10 years older, don't speak good English and don't pay any household bills - meaning they are facing being cut off by utilities. This is also stressing him out.

He wants to move asap, but I don't know what to suggest. I am a bit out of touch with Croydon these days. Does anyone know of a decent block of studio flats/bed-sits? Something where he could have his own toilet/shower and his own bills, but where there are also lots of younger professionals like himself, which would basically be more of a laugh for someone new to the area in his shoes?

Crosby vs Stills vs Nash vs Young

mercredi 21 février 2018

Who wins in a musical fight?

Hornet vs Emperor Scorpian

Who would win?

Shark vs Hippo

Who would win?

What hobbies bring back memories?

Just read the thread by Hedgehog about stamp collecting and found it quite moving. Collecting all the stamps from the letters his mum sent him was really nice.

Not really a hobby but when my nephew inherited all my old Lego I found it quite moving as memories flooded back of my childhood.

What brings back memories for you?

another on a charm offensive

Current managers who’ve managed Palace

Was looking at the live scores in the Championship and started wondering does anyone else have more ex managers than us in the top 2 divisions?

Allardyce at Everton
Pardew at WBA
Warnock at Cardiff
Pulis at Middlesbrough
Bruce at Villa
Holloway at QPR

Including Roy that means 16% of the top two division managers have managed Palace. Maybe some sort of record?

Labour to sweep London in local elections with best result for any party since 1968

London local election voting intention:

LAB: 54% (+16)
CON: 28% (+2)
LDEM: 11% (-)
GRN: 4% (-6)
UKIP: 2% (-7)

via @YouGov, 12 - 15 Feb
Chgs. w/ 2014 results

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Match Updates: Champions league 20-21 February

mardi 20 février 2018

Hard not to see a Barcelona win here. Hazard needs to turn up, and turn up big for Chelsea to be in with a shout.


Does anyone here use vpns? I never have and am getting more worried in my old age that I should be.

Tyre Question

I've just found a tack - 8 to 10mm in the thick part of the tread on a new tyre. Will it have gone through - that is punctured the tyre?

I'm driving to the airport tomorrow morning (5 am) so no chance to get it checked.

Thanks in advance

West Ham Utd - Drug Cheats?

West Ham have been charged by the FA under anti-doping rules for the club whereabouts not being known.

A player charged with the same offence will usually get a ban so surely West Ham should be banned from playing games for a number of months, or at the very least a points deduction?

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Resin (of the drive / pathway variety )


Just after some info from BBSers on the pros / cons and costs of having Bonded Resin installed as a garden path / patio surface?

I see it done on drives a bit these days, we want it for an s-shaped path (around 10m2) and a '90 degree / quarter circle' patio area in one corner of our garden (around 9m2).

Waiting to hear back on arranging some quotes but was wondering if anyone has had it done, done it themselves, or knew what i should expect as ballpark cost?

There is no existing surface other than grass and we'd prob have it edged in red brick.



Happy birthday Exiledstirling

Happy birthday Cary you grumpy old ****. By god you are old btw. :supergrin:

I'll buy you a coffee later. See you at 2

Male Genital Mutilation - Iceland bans it.

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No problem with the male version, as long as the recipient of the cut is old and responsible enough, to make their own decision for their body..

KFC runs out of chicken

lundi 19 février 2018

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Golden opportunity for Morleys

Just a joke?

Thought this was interesting.

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Obviously we don't know what was said, but is it alright to rely on a "I was only joking" defence?

Maximum Sentences

Sometimes a case comes up where you simply cannot believe the prison sentence. The fact that 10 years is the maximum the Judge can give needs looking at.:(

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Deafening right wing silence on non Muslim paedophile.

As a companion thread to kiteagles (who would name themselves after knightrider's car?) oh so hilairious satire that would have rendered Swift unemployed were he around at the same time, I thought I'd ask why those of a 'rightist' bent haven't been screaming about this heinous chap.
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Nike's Nothing Beats a Londener advert

How bloody great is this advert?

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Murdered MP's hubby goes from Hero to Zero in Mail on Sunday confession - More Deafen

This is the second in a fairly regular series of 'Big News Items' which have mysteriously received nary a whimper of comment from the Liberal elite on this here BBS, so which you may have missed.

Slain socialist Labour MP Jo Cox's widower, Brendan Cox, who became not only his wife's most outspoken advocate after her murder, but also a virulent EU Referendum Remoaner, has admitted he has been a sex pest and assaulted and threatened women, in a full interview with right-leaning tabloid newspaper, 'The Mail On Sunday', a paid-for independent British newspaper which is reviled to the point of apoplexy by many on this here BBS.

Perhaps the combination of the story being published in one of the BBS' most despised independent, paid-for British newspapers, and one of this country's most successful - enormously more so than The Grauniad, The Obs, the non-printed Independent, or any Mirror Group organ - and the facts about Brendan Cox being indisputable by virtue of being a full confession, has led to another outbreak of soclib elite Omerta on this here BBS.

After all it must be painful to read of one of one's very own being a homegrown Harvey Weistein in his own right, lurching and thrusting himself on women at the Save The Children charity where he was nepotistically employed, and demanding to f*** them.

Not only was he able to leave his Save The Children job without blemish on his character, rather like the Oxfam Belgian paedo-pimp in Haiti, he has stepped down from the 2 charidees he himself set up in the wake of his wife's murder.

And it has emerged that he himself was most likely not selected to inherit Jo Cox's safe Labour seat as MP for Spenley and Batt because Labour big wigs knew all about his Weinsteinian propensities. Indeed it is suggested that even his saintly wife Jo knew and possibly tolerated his multi-couplings with female victims during their short marriage.

So, bye-bye former hero Brendan Cox, and welcome to the modern day monsters' Gallery of rogues and brutes - at least we don't have to listen to your insufferable left-wing rantings anymore.

Perhaps there will be a ripple-like effect on this here BBS.

Kingdom Come Deliverance

On another thread I mentioned that I am only going to buy two games this year, but I watched an affable ginger beardy Jack Whitehall-a-like play the beta on youtube and was so intrigued that I took the plunge.

Has anyone else?

I think it's great, I haven't a horse, so I spend my days plodding around picking flowers like a hippy.

When folk come at you they can really kill you quite quickly and the game doesn't hold your hand, you can't save whenever you want for example.

It's buggy, but not broken and the charm of it has got me hooked.

Can't wait til my family's tucked up and snoring so so can press flowers in medieval Bohemia!

Liverpool (H) Live on Sky Sports - date TBC!

This has already been mentioned by CJP and Dorking on other threads, but with all the confusion and annoyance caused by the late change of date for the Spurs game I thought it would be worth having this thread to remind people that the Liverpool home game could also be changed with just a couple of weeks' notice.

Our game v Liverpool is currently scheduled for Saturday 31st March at 12:30pm. However...

Chelsea v Spurs is scheduled for Sunday 1st April at 4pm, but if Chelsea and/or Spurs reach the Champions League QFs and have a game on Tuesday 3rd April, and if Liverpool have their Champions League game on Wednesday 4th April (or don't qualify - although that's not really a possibility now), then the PL games could be switched, i.e., our game v Liverpool could be moved to Sunday 1st April 4pm.


If Spurs and Chelsea both get knocked out in the round of 16, there should be no reason to move our game. The round of 16 finishes on Wednesday 14th March.

If Spurs and/or Chelsea get through to the QFs, then we have to wait for the QF draw on Friday 16th March and the subsequent scheduling of the QF matches. Subject to all that, our game could stay where it is or it could get moved to the Sunday 4pm slot.

Fun, this, isn't it?

female pregnancy at work

not suggesting any co-worker interaction.

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The world is just seemingly blind to the obvious.

My own working environment has seen many fertile females take Maternity Leave after only a few months employment, just to fck orf, and not come back. So on the scale of exploitation, I would currently put some females at 11.

Hollywood is wearing black. Please fck off

National Trust gardens and places.

Anyone a member here and can recommend a place to visit?

I am a member but don't really get the value from it as I don't go often enough. As we approach Spring, I'd certainly like to go more with my family and little girl. My Mum is also disabled so often these places for her to bale able to get out too in the fresh air.


Nb - yes I am only 40 and have a NT membership! :supergrin:

Who are the centrist politicans?

dimanche 18 février 2018

A lot is said on here about centrists (by Heb, Herts etc) but little is said about who they are. Are they the Lib Dems or certain politicians in the Labour Party or the Tories. Are there currently none about?

Just wondering as they are put forward as the answer against the “extremes” but little is said about who they actually are.

There is also a certain intolerance of those outside of centrism which is a little ironic.

Annoying Animals

What animal`s really get on your tits?

My current nemesis of the animal kingdom are Cookaburra`s
4:30 AM on the dot they start howling like the sounds of the Serengeti


The Greatest Ever Super Hero.

No need for a poll because it's Spiderman.

Unless you know better. Which you don't.

League of Ireland 2018

League of Ireland returned on Friday night. New ten team leagues, with teams playing each other four times in a season.

Great start by Bohs against Rovers in the Dublin Derby. Bohs usually start slow so wasn't expecting much, but what a win.

Cork, after their incredible President's Cup come back, got off to a win against St Pats, who I think could be outsiders for a European position this year.

Think the whole league will be quite open. Maybe three or four challenging come September/October time.


Earthquake devastates Wales

samedi 17 février 2018

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Damage estimates are up to £5.

Will the FA cup help us in relegation battle

Perfect results so far....

Brighton and Southampton have another game to play in quarter finals and at this stage could dream of reaching final. Will that be a distraction to the relegation fight.

Swansea have another game to play with a replay and if they win that same applies to them.

Huddersfield currrently losing but still time.

Jacob William Rees-Mogg

Given he’s favourite to be the next Tory leader worth a thread.

He’s worth £100 million, anti all abortion, anti gay marriage, wants mass surveillance, is against taking action on global warming, supports the bedroom tax, is against the human rights act, wants tax cuts for the rich, wants yet more anti union laws, and wants even less legal aid and further cuts to welfare and public services.

He says he takes his whip from the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.

Could this extremist really become Tory leader?

Why do you post in general chit chat?

I was thinking about this. For me although I’ve got strong/passionate views (I know some of you would use less polite words), I recognise that a lot of my friends and family have fairly similar views and the ones that don’t we often avoid politics as would rather not argue. In Labour there are differences but it’s still within a certain spectrum.

So I like coming on here as I think it’s a fair cross section of society and to see what others think.

Why do you go on this bit of the forum?

Clinton Morrison on fighting talk Now

In the kitchen and listening to the Radio - Clinton Morrison on 5live's fighting Talk - coming up next!

Ian Holloway’s treatment of Andre Moritz (Taken From Twitter)

Just been reading through on Twitter a post from HLTCO who posted a picture of Moritz and someone else directly tweeted Moritz asking why he didn’t stay. His response was, shall we say...interesting:


All was agreed mate came down to training grounds for sign my new contract. All agreed, got there as we said 9am. Holloway told me he had a dream that i was not gonna be happy that year and released me. Believe me or not... as sad as it is
To which there was obvious outrage from people and Moritz followed up with


You can ask him, if he have the balls to confirm... that was what he told me at the time. Life moves on! Cpfc for life. But got REALLY disappointed with the club aswell. Ugly truth. Probably the worst time of my life...
I know it doesn’t matter in the long run but hard to see Moritz didn’t stay around because of a dream Holloway had.

Centre Parcs pulls Daly Mail Ad

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Slightly different slant on the Virgin case, and widens the debate on "free speech".

West brom players steal a taxi

Players accused of stealing a cab at 5.30am on winter training trip in Barcelona
What would you do if you were pardew
Baggies in a mess

Match Updates: FA CUP 5th Rd: Feb 16th-19th

vendredi 16 février 2018

Hull getting a mauling. Three down already.

You can tell Giroud is desperate to score but hasn’t yet.

Modern Horror Film Re-Makes.

Due to not being able to get to sleep because of a terrible toothache, I found myself watching the re-make of 'I Spit On Your Grave' on The Horror Channel the other night.

I watched crap like this in my youth in their original form and regarded them as shit back then but this re-make was fairly horrific. I'm not squeamish but I found this film quite vile.

There are great horror films being made today, Cabin In The Woods being a modern, recent example but it's the exploitative stuff I don't care for.

Or am I getting old?

*well I know I'm getting old but you know what I mean. Or do you?

Barry Bennell.

Heart breaking...

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Puke and Irish Filum

jeudi 15 février 2018

Was watching Ice Hockey today and the BBC man giving us the wisdom of his lack of knowledge kept on making reference to the Puke for Puck?

My mind wandered off to other things as tends to happen to us elderly and although I have heard the expression countless times..........why do the Irish insist on saying Filum instead of the more usual Film?

Why have they not sussed out and rectified this error.

Not something to lose sleep over but tis indeed an Irish riddle!!!!!!!:p

Oxfam Pimpery - Deafening Silence from Liberal Elite

This is going to be Part 1 of a long-running series to highlight the hypocrisy of our ruling elite and the metro-elite LibRemoaners with their noses in the taxpayer trough.

The Oxfam scandal just won't go away but have any of our libertarian-loving champions on this BBS issued so much as a whisper of concern about the UK taxpayer funding prostitution amongst the poorest people in the world?

Where are the trumpets of loud condemnation of this wicked larceny and despicable sexual paedophilia of poor children by vastly overpaid and under-scrutinised Quangocrats of the State's 3rd-Arm, the Charitocracy.

With £8 billion plus to burn every year, Britain's biggest gravy train, almost rivalling the EU, and in many areas overlapping and cross-polluting each other's cesspits, is it any wonder our giveaway tax money gets spent on procuring and promoting child prostitution amongst the poorest on this Earth, whilst Charitocrats from Oxfam, Cafod, Save The Children and other fronts for international, tax-payer funded noncery, live the high life, tax free in limitless luxury.

And a BBS like our own, which so readily demonstrates such concern for the poor and oppressed of this world, cannot bring itself to issue a squeak of concern about the dsetruction of Global Rapist Charidee as we know it.

County Cricket 2018

I reckon it's about time to start a thread for this coming season of county cricket.

I saw this today

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Seems a bit strange - is it really too taxing to play red and white ball? Will he become a better white ball player by not playing red ball?

He's certainly ruling himself out of any chance of Test cricket for the foreseeable future, albeit that the selectors have previously overlooked him & brought in Batty, Ansari, Dawson & Crane.

Buying a childs ticket

I want to purchase a ticket for my niece for the Spurs game next week but it won't allow me to do so online so I'm guessing it won't allow you to buy a child seat in isolation. The plan however is for my wife or I to sit in the single seat that we purchase and for our niece to sit with the other.

If I phone the box office, will they allow me buy a child's ticket?

Should Theresa May stand down?

Now? Never? Soon?

Are people still excited before kick off?

Reading all the doom and gloom and anger on here I have started to wonder what mood people go to the games in these days.

For me, I always arrive at the ground excited, no matter how grim our circumstances (true, it's sometimes mixed with dread!) but I get the sense that for many there is already a feeling of frustration, cynicism, anger even before the game has started.

It might just be that the BBS skews things and isn't an accurate reflection of matchday crowds, but I would love to know whether people feel that their pre-match attitude has changed over the last 5-10 years.

Kind of sad, if so, because these may well be looked back on as our golden years!

Ostersunds FK

mercredi 14 février 2018

Fascinating story of the amazing rise of Swedish club Ostersunds, masterminded by little known English coach Graham Potter. They host Arsenal in the Europa League today.

Think it might not be long before some chairman over here takes a punt on Potter.

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FUE Hair Transplants in Turkey

Has anyone done this or is thinking of getting it done? Turkey seems to be the place of choice. Seems to be about a tenth of the price compared to the UK. Being a bit of a bald fecker I'm considering it but bit wary of travelling to Turkey with 1500 quid of cash. The FUE treatment seems much more successful than the type Rooney had, but I've only just started researching it really.

Palace fans please help. Legal advise type help

If you have the time please read the below. I have written to an email address that appears to be that of Sebastian James, the CEO of the Carphone Warehouse. I could be looking to fork quite a bit or lose out completely on getting a mortgage due to a non existent debt with one of the Carphone Wareouse subsidiaries, ID Mobile.

"Dear Sebastian

Over the years I have used the Carphone Warehouse for many things. I recently had two phones lines, purchasing a rolling one month plan with ID Mobile.

The first that I cancelled was a nightmare as I had no service on my voicemail for 5 months, which was the minor complaint compared to the main one which I can forward you emails about. It was never fixed, problems were never resolved and I left. I was told I would be compensated but never was.

The second line was for my daughter. I never moved the line until I believe in the last quarter of 2017, maybe earlier. I gave notice but was overcharged as I was told differing things from when I cancelled my first phone line to the second.

This second account should have been closed and very small amounts written off by your company. I explained in detail on Facebook to the ID Mobile social media team and they realised I had been through a nightmare.

Out of the blue last Friday I received a call from Creditlink Account Recovery Solutions (CARS), a debt collection agency for ID Mobile. I have had a 'Notice of Recovery Proceedings' issued over £10.24. I was never contacted to be told I owed you any money and was confident that the basic task told to me by the ID Mobile social media team would have been done.

I have a time sensitive mortgage application that required a credit rating assessment. On it showed I have not paid this amount, that was told to me had been written off. I have been told by my Financial Adviser as it is showing I have not paid this written off debt to ID Mobile, that I cannot apply for a mortgage with the two lenders that would have given me the best rate. Over two years the calculation was around £360, we didn't go into how much this could be over 25 years.

I am mortified. I am at my wits end. I have taken a day away from my office tomorrow to try and rectify this. I contacted the social media team that told me they have now corrected the balance to zero but that they have no power to speed up any processes to get the credit score corrected outside possibly 3-5 working days.

Please help. There is a much bigger story that I won't go into now regarding why I require a mortgage, which is time sensitive, with a housing association that is allowing me the right to buy from them, but only on the terms that I have to complete within time frames otherwise the property will be lost. In short, I have a relative that has been classified with a disability that a doctor's report has said I need to live close by.

I am learning new processes within your company, that I shouldn't have to, but this matter should be dealt with as a priority so I am not at a huge financial loss. The stress and anxiety ID Mobile have created can not be expressed in words.

Please can you see that this matter is resolved immediately. When I try and contact the regular ID Mobile customer services they are beyond difficult and the social media team that try very hard find the same internal barriers I have found for over a year."

Another Week. Another US School Shooting....

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Jacob Zuma Resigns as President of South Africa

Being married to a South African I am very much aware this is a great day for most South Africans everywhere.

South Africa's President Jacob Zuma resigns - To view the link you have to Register or Login

PFO Closure

Back in May 2017 I suffered a TIA, or 'mini-stroke' at the age of 25! After numerous tests they have found a patent foramen ovale (PFO).

Has anyone ever had this before? I will have to have an operation to close the hole, hopefully this will prevent me from any further stroke activity and shortness of breath etc.

Having looked online there doesn't seem to be masses of information, so I'd ideally like a first hand experience of how people recovered, what there length of recovery was with regards to returning to work and whether they did in fact, feel any better after the procedure.

Wish me luck because I am an absolute wet flannel with regards to any sort of operation! :shy:

Driving lessons

Wife booked a 7-day course for this week.
Monday went well
Tuesday she drove around the locale and passed her theory test.
Final test booked for Friday

Today she wrote the instructors car off by driving into a brick wall. The final exam has been postponed

no-one injured :)

Match Updates: Champions league 13th-14th of February

mardi 13 février 2018

Juve v Spurs should be very interesting.

Mortgage affordabilty question

I seek the wisdom of the BBS:

Which mainstream mortgage lenders are the most conservative in lending money?

I actually want as shit an offer as possible, im pleading poverty ;(

Who is getting relegated

10 points separate 7th and 18th in what promises to be a fight until the end from all sides.

Who do you think will go down?

embedding tweets

Hi Dave ever thought about adding functionality to embed tweets? Not sure if its now a native thing in vbulletin, but might be good.


PS4 - cannot add family member

Anyone help me with this nonsense?

My son has created a local account on the PS4.

I want to add him to the family account so I can apply a prepaid voucher.

I get some weird message

"cannot send the family request. Same account created in the country*not a member of another family*must not have a large number of family requests”

Anything I can do?

I want to add him so I can apply a prepaid voucher

Show girls banned at UK Construction Week - SNOWFLAKES!!

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What next?

BBS 6 a side cup

We have kindly been given permission by the club to run the BBS cup again this year. It will be as normal on the Cup final day and in the morning before the beer festival. We are in the very early stages of organising this but we expect the entry price to be like last year.
So if you are interested please post on this thread so we can gauge interest.

North Korean cheerleaders

The HF need to seriously up their game.

This mob are brilliantly wierd :)

Do you know what a Prince Albert is?

lundi 12 février 2018

Just choose Yes or No for the moment, please.

Boycott Peter Rabbit

I suggest we all make a stand against the great injustice and offence served up by this film.

Peter Rabbit is offensive to allergy sufferers, because it has a scene where some bunnies pelt another bunny with blackberries.

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To be frank, I am incredulous.

Northamptonshire council faces up to cost of effective bankruptcy

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Can you imagine if this was a Labour council?

As a Tory council barely any coverage.

Palace Play Positives

There are about 50 threads running right now about how each and every player, decision and everything about the future, is shit.

In the short term players will recover from injuries, we will get the required points and we aren't going down. From our FDB disaster which followed on from Pardew man-wrecking the squad over 18 months I call this a big success. The plans are in for the new stand and we will see that come to fruition whilst Roy stabilises the squad in the Summer, whilst BHA come to terms with their relegation.


Suggested Team and Formation For: Tottenham (home)




Keep it tight in the 4-5-1, get the full backs forward to provide the width. And hope to win it on a set-piece.

How are Townsend and Cabaye avoiding stick?

There are a million posts on how Benteke is falling short - what about Andros and Yohan?

They are among our top earners, and have scored goals loads of goals during their careers. And yet this season, they've hardly scored at all, or come that close.

Fair enough they may have a few assists, but if we're going to steer clear of relegation, it will only happen if these two step up and start 1) controlling games and 2) scoring goals.

Don't see a lot of complaints about them on here, despite failing to deliver.

Palace Hair cuts.

Just spotted this on the BBC.

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The importance of a good haircut

Sako and Wilf on the importance of the pre-match haircut:

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Friends and family list

dimanche 11 février 2018

Has anyone else noticed the friends and family list is no longer accessible on your account page? Or at least I can’t find mine! Used to be on the left hand tabs.

What’s up with Benteke?

I still think the class player from last season is in there, and he’s just ****ed mentally.

Who will return to fitness by match v Spurs, 26 Feb?

Does anyone know who is 'realistically' likely to return to fitness by the time we play our next match v Spurs on Monday 26th Feb?

Warm Weather Training Camp

As we have no first team game for over two weeks- Spurs on February 29th-which could be potentially postponed if they have a 5th round replay, making our next game Man U on March 5th- anyone have any idea about the clubs plans to utilise this for a warm weather training camp?

Allardyce was adamant that the break to Morocco last year led to a 15% increase in players fitness, health etc etc. Also Mourinho when taking Man U to Dubai in January 2018 said it was great for team bonding etc etc.

Or maybe the "Football Managers" in SP and Freedman have drawn on their experience and decided that this is an unnecessary cost and wonder why the **** nearly all other Premiership teams do it when given the opportunity?

Dave's Moral Maze Part 18b - one way streets

Who is the worse human here:

The person who drives down a one way street when there is no other traffic?

The person who sees above driver and loses their shit and confronts driver?

The Edge: Joe Barton Podcast

Anyone caught this yet?

He interviews various people about being successful.

I have only done the first two (Dyche/Campbell) but it's decent.

Obviously Barton is a rather complex and someehat smart chap but I think we knew this already.

New stuff for me:

Dyche is the real deal. Palace will rue pissing him off so much. He will get a big job and be great. He is exactly who England need as a manager. Totally gets people and how to motivate him.

Barton repeated that story about Warnock's wife having a dream about a player scoring and Warnock putting him in the team. Does that mean it's actual fact? Does that mean some of the other Warnock stories are true?

Anyways, check it out.

Player Ratings And Reviews: Everton away

samedi 10 février 2018

TFM showing why he can't play CB yet - that was awful from him.

Townsend - what is the point? All he does is the same drag back on to his left. He should play on the left and whip balls in. Every time he has an opportunity to shoot he takes too many touches and loses the chance. He really needs to finally step up.

Benteke - misses another sitter. He has had so many chances. The service into him is good. He is killing us.

Cabaye - non-existent.

Only Luka played well and also Sorloth - thought he was impressive.

Time for the senior players to stand up

Forgetting injuries, players we didn't sign, bad lack etc etc, I believe there is enough quality in the 1st eleven to enable us to stay up.

Players, defensive units etc will always make individual mistakes but we do need the senior players to stand up and impose themselves more.

E.g benteke- needs to work harder in order to find the net and be more clinical when he receives a chance

E.g. cabaye-needs to find some match winning performances, as well as deliver quality dead ball into the box.

E.g. Townsend-needs to get into more goal scoring opportunities, score more goals and deliver more quality balls into the box.

That's just 3 of the team...


who else used to have the hots for this minx when they were about 11!.....


Channel5 series surely upcoming on this. Can compete with BBC's Autumn/Spring Watch

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Jon Venables Unmasked?

Rabid Peado and vile child torturer/abuser/murder Jon Venables has (allegedly) been unmasked on Twitter.


Not sure if anyone caught the documentary of Ch4 recently where they lightly explored the idea that injustice was served on both Venables and Thompson given their age as they should have been too young to have been accountable for their crimes.

Anyway, big fat ugly ****, if it is him.

We can do it ?

Let's not get to down lady's and gents , we can get out of it.
It wouldn't be palace if we was just a boring ,say mid table team,
But there not safe either ?
So let's all get behind the team and Roy , you never know we might get something out of these so called hard games coming up we've done it before.

Oh dear. Not looking good is it for you ?

Have a good weekend all :lux:

Alexander Sørloth discussion

I thought he did well for a PL debut today. Some nice linkups and won lots of aerial challenges. Nearly got a goal as well. Feeling a bit more comfortable with the money we paid now.

Why does Adrian Durham hate Palace?

For reasons of travel I have listened to Talk Shite a lot this week including today and it is inescapable that Adrian Durham just detests Palace but WHY?

I have never heard him say one positive thing about the club ,team or any other aspect. When they were having score predictions today most of the people said 2-0 to Everton but Duraham “4-0 to the Toffees” and that was before anyone knew the team.
Other than the fact that the man is a total c**t is there another reason he hates us so much?

Injured 11


Kelly. Dann. Sakho. Schlupp

Zaha. Puncheon. Loftus-Cheek. Sako

Wickham. *********

Is it too late to buy a crocked striker to play alongside Wickham or do we just wait for Sorloth to get injured today?

Not a bad starting 11

Match Updates: Noeth London Derby (sic) and other match updates 10th feb

I wonder if Deli Ali scores someone will make a snapchat...

Stand up for Anthony in the 29th minute today.

For those of you lucky enough to be traveling up to the game today please be aware that in the 29th minute The Goodison faithful will be standing to applaud the memory of an Evertonian who was murdered recently in the city centre while out for a coffee with his gf. Tbh don’t know the details but it’s on Twitter & Cpfc & Fyp have retweeted it to a good response from the toffees. Remember the toon recently paid respect for one of own.

What would stop you going to Palace?

Is there anything that could feasibly happen to stop you going? Even temporarily?

I've just seen that Wigan are playing Hull FC (rugby league) in a proper league game, in Australia. I think that's complete wank. If the 39th game or whatever format it was played in happened for us, I think that would be it for me.

I'm guessing there's other less likely things too, like Gadaffi type takeovers too.

Songs And Their Meanings.

vendredi 9 février 2018

Now I know American Pie was about the death of the great Buddy Holly but that's about the depth of my knowledge...give or take.

Enlighten me please.

Live Com and Updates: Everton V Crystal Palace

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Scariest Film Baddies.

'Funny how?'

Your choice...


Maybe I have missed it, but have we announced our 25 man quad for rest of the season. If not, when is the deadline for the announcement ?

Sedan chairs

Anyone got any advice on a new model?

I'm looking for something with some nice soft grip handles so it's easier on the servants hands, manoeuvrable enough to get round the spiral staircase in my turret when I get up in the morning, heated seats and a cup holder.

Business Class Travel

I'm planning a visit to Honolulu in July for a 60th birthday celebration. As it is a special occasion and a long flight, I'm considers flying business class.

Does anyone have any recommendation of a travel agent that they have used and who specialises in good deals for business class travel?

Thanks in advance.

PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games

Opening ceremony at the moment BBC 1.

Go team GB and the Russian neutrals.

Mirror buy the Express

This is an odd one with the Mirror being the Corbyn, supporting government bashing, left leaning daily buying the immigrant bashing, brexit supporting, worse than the Daily Mail right wing daily on the other side?

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The Red Pill

With all the talk going on about female 'exploitation,' I thought I'd mention a fascinating and mind-blowing documentary about gender politics. With the power of global media and the utility of political correctness, this is an issue that will continue to shape society more than any other for generations to come. The power play between genders has rightly been called 'The Longest War' by feminists.

'The Red Pill' is by a former feminist called Cassie Jaye, who started out to make an attack piece about 'A Voice For Men' and, instead, found herself becoming an apostate to all she once believed.

It's fascinating to see her wake up to the reality of her own brainwashing and the truth of male disposability, a reality so ingrained by thousands of years of traditions that most men and almost all women never see it. It is also fascinating to see the sheer numbers of women joining against feminism. Most of all, the true inequalities men face in society, some ancient and meekly accepted by men, some as more recent feminist initiatives.

We have an incredible inversion of truth happening right now, with men possessing a fraction of the rights of women and facing daily bias throughout society from the courts to the media. Men literally are second-class citizens across a broad spectrum and yet feminism continues to spread the lie that women are 'oppressed' in the West while they craftily construct a gyno-centrist society whose ultimate aim is to eliminate men. Quite literally.

There's a million facets to the truth of this but I'd strongly recommend watching The Red Pill ( which the Fems had banned from Netflix and around the world as a 'hate' video -amazing ) which can be found on Putlocker. Having watched it over a year ago, I was led down a rabbit home into an entirely new a much larger reality reality and truth. ( hence the name 'The Red Pill,' which any fan of 'The Matrix' will grasp the reference to ) I have now thrown away many of my old conceits as to where gender power truly exists in western society. In fact, I was basically PauLo and KOW before I watched documentaries like this and then took the time to learn much more. I hope some BBS'ers might take an equal interest and make up their own minds. It's a subject well worth some scrutiny.

Croydon robberies at gunpoint

There has been 5 robberies in 4 days in which the robbers have threatened to or pulled a gun and pointed it at their victims sitting in their cars.

Three of the victims have been taxi's so far, which I guess makes sense as they are more likely to have a bit of cash on them.

Scary world we live in :(


At 11.40pm on Friday, February 2, on London Road, in Norbury
At 9.25pm on Saturday, February 3 on Falkland Park Avenue, in South Norwood
At 10.35pm on Saturday, February 3 on Duppas Avenue, in Waddon
At 12.55am on Monday, February 5 on Berne Road, in Thornton Heath
At 1.35am on Monday, February 5 on King's Road, in South Norwood

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Press conf, app doesn't work, no other choice..

jeudi 8 février 2018

Again the club proves it is incapable of managing a simple issue.

The live presser didn't work properly and the only access now is via an app that only works on mobile devices.

Presumably this is because there is some revenue otherwise pointless.

Anyone who wants to watch using a pc or laptop etc now is excluded although they were not missing much yesterday.

What is so hard about having the press conference available on non mobile devices?

Giving technical difficulties as excuse is jargon for we don't know what we're doing

Ex National & Ex Club Manager V Ex National & Club Manager

Ex National & Ex Club Manager V Ex National & Club Manager

Allardyce V Hodgson

On Saturday 10th Feb, this will be most probably a world football first!

Zaha injury

Will be a testing time for palace without wilf. Will show if we are a one man team or not. I cannot believe we have been so unlucky with injuries. More activity in the transfer window May have given us a few more options. The new signings will have to bed in quick. Having said all that I think we still have enough to stay up.


Does anyone know the best football bar in Merida? Will be visiting for a week. I have never seen mention of a BBSer there so I guess I’ll be the lone Eagle.

How do kids get noticed by Academies?

What's the pathway for a kid to get into a football academy with the aim of becoming a pro?

Just wondering of any experiences out there?

I can see that some clubs run open trials, there are some companies who have 'links' with academies and select a team to play them, some companies have a league and then select the best from the league to play against academies, some scouts turn up at local pitches.

Is it a case that if they're good enough they'll be noticed or should the parent be doing more to ensure they learn and play at the highest level they can?

Chungy discussion

Not sure if already thread but thought I'd see because I've been reading that chungy may get a shot at the first team.

Crystal Ball Everton V Palace

score, scorers and attendance predictions please

Shared from facebook. 29th minute round of applause Everton.

Sorry trying to sort the link out.

I can' t find it now.

There will be a minutes applause on the 29th minute for a murdered Everton fan.

Suggestion: Stefanos Kapino

IF we are going to sign a goalkeeper then why not this guy.

Plays for the Greek national team (not 1st choice) 6'5, had a couple of poor games for Olympiakos sand they then released him. Being linked with Nottingham Forrest at present but not yet signed as far as i can see.

Would have been at Olympiakos at the same time as Luka so he will have an idea how good he is and what he is like as a teammate.

New England kit WC 2018

Anyone seen the new England '82 inspired pre-match strip?

Awesome...Nike have missed a trick not having that as the new home. Will be a cult classic I reckon!

Love the colour scheme too, all Palace...:love:

Press Conference Live: Pre-Everton Thursday 1:30pm

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Cometh the hour, cometh the Mutch.

mercredi 7 février 2018

Ok we're in a real mess. Zaha is out, Sako is out, RLC is out, Wickham is dead, Benteke is... yeah.

We could play Lee, he's a hard worker and will do his best, but can he turn a game? Pardew knew what this team needed and went out and got it. A true maverick. Unfairly treated IMO, never given a chance to display his natural ability.

The preseason goals against Bromley or whoever were just a starter, a mere hors d'oeuvre compared to the feast he'll have on Chelsea and Man United's unprepared defense. It is time to unleash the beast.

The first Britons were black

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‘Britain’s oldest complete skeleton, known as Cheddar Man, had ‘dark to black’ skin, groundbreaking research has revealed.’

Alf Garnett will be spinning in his grave.

I think it’s time the white honkeys went back to their own country. :)

Anymore to the collection that i have missed ?

Ooh the facial expressions. The Sako one always gets me :supergrin:

Is this censorship of free speech?

We have had much debate recently regarding Virgin's now rescinded decision, to stop selling the DM on their trains, as an affront to free speech, so does the following fall into the same category and for the same reasons?:

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Player Ratings And Reviews: Referee vs the toffees is Johnathon Moss!.

Great just when you think it couldn’t get any worse :wallbash:.

Tesla In Space

mardi 6 février 2018

Possibly the best live feed ever !?

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And ever.


Match Updates: FA Cup 4th round replays 6th-7th Feb

Noor Husin ex junior, just scored a tidy goal for Notts County 1-3 down at Swansea

Rumour: Andre Dozell Emergency Loan

Same chap who posted about Zaha's injury first on Facebook is saying we are trying to get Andre Dozell on Emergency Loan from Ipswich Town.

Apparently he had a long term injury, not sure if he's ready to play again but thought I would post since it's the same chap who posted about Zaha before anyone else.

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Bouncebackability - An Evening with Iain Dowie and Clinton Morrison

I think this is possibly the only thread I’ve ever started but I’ve just had some marketing literature on the above event on 9th May.

Morrison I get 100% - absolute legend BUT Dowie!!!!!

**** me, what next ‘An Evening with Eric C*ntona and Kevin Miller’!!


What's the point of our academy?

This may look like a controversial question but why does the club invest vast sums of money in an academy that hasn’t produced a single first team player since Wilf? In 2010. ( I know you could argue Johnny Williams played in 2011 but he has not made it sadly)

So what is the point? Huddersfield have ditched theirs,why do we keep ours?

As a season ticket holder for 48 years I have seen the best of our academy ( The famous 1979 winners being the best ) But back to my question what is the point of spending millions to produce absolutely nothing?

Discussion: Quincy Promes

Frank de Boer claims we couldn't afford the €30million fee in the summer.

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Stock market crashing again?

Something serious or just a blip? Hedge funds coining it in at the expense of ordinary shareholders? Capitalism doing what it does best?

What's going on?

John Mahoney RIP

One of the best characters in Frasier.

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Chelsea away (Saturday 10th March)

Any news on when tickets for this game are likely to go on sale?

Building extension - difficult neighbours

We are extending the house ( terraced ) and it is all within permitted building. Party wall agreements have been signed. The next door neighbour is refusing to allow the builder access to her roof ( which is needed in order to tile the extension ).

Has anyone been in this situation before and have any sensible (or amusing advice)?

Katie Hopkins collapses after 'taking ketamine' in South Africa

lundi 5 février 2018

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Katie Hopkins has been treated by the emergency services after taking ketamine and appearing to collapse in South Africa.

I know it's just another case of any illegal immigrant getting free treatment from the taxpayer after taking class A substances, but I'm not clear ... did she take it willingly, or did local park rangers use it to take her down??


I remember bone hard pitches in the 70s and crunching waste high tackles but not as many injuries as there are now. Why? Any thoughts on this?


Well, I think they're divine.

Erdal Rakip

Has just scored for the U23s

Suggested Team and Formation For: Everton (away)


Subs speroni/Henry, TFM, Jach, ridewald, Lee, sorloth

Same again in level of performance, hopefully taking chances with ward and Sakho cutting down the errors at the back

Get Townsend on the left. We need crosses and those ******* cut backs are ridiculous now. The defenders are literally showing him the channel and pre blocking the cut back but he does it anyway. Over to the left, get to the byline and stand the ******* ball up for benteke. If he did cut back he’d have the option of Pva on the overlap who can cross rather than TFM or to a lesser degree ward who can’t ans sometimes can’t respectively

Jimmy much improved along side benteke ans his energy ans harassment really caused Newcastle problems

Snowflake v Melt

Is a snowflake a posher melt, or is a melt one and the same thing and if you melt does that make you a snowflake because they melt and.....dunno.

Looking at remaining fixtures, where we stand

Ok so I’m a little hungover and on a day off. Feels like a defeat yesterday so I thought I’d take a little look at the remaining fixtures to get an idea of how we compare and got a little carried away.

Obviously football doesn’t work like this but over the course of the season it’s usually not far away in terms of results so... I’ve assessed each teams fixtures and games go in one of 3 categories to give a picture of how tough fixtures are

Bottom 10 ie. Watford down and highly winnable

Mid table ie.. Everton, Leicester, Bournemouth and Burnley. These are neutral and ignored for consistency for everyone as could go either way

Tough ie.. top 6. Assumed loss (though obviously won’t all go that way)

As I say, ignoring the mid table as neutral games each team has (winnable/top six) games. So I’m order of fixtures remaining, easiest run top we have

Swansea (6/3)
Huddersfield (6/4)
Watford (5/4) NB: doesn’t include chealsea tonight, free pass for simplicity
Palace (5/4)
Stoke (5/4)
WBA (5/4)
Southampton (4/4)
West Ham (4/5)
Brighton (4/5)
Newcastle (4/5)

As you can see Newcastle, Brighton ans West Ham do have the toughest run in’s, where as Swansea and Newcastle have the most games against the bottom 10.

When you add the current table, points and -1 point for stoke and Huddersfield for extremely poor goal averages it looks like the table will end like this if difficaulty of remaining games is the deciding factor

West Ham

Obviously that doesn’t count other influences like Swansea losing two key players last week and West Ham injury list being worse than ours. West Ham have a big part of thier ‘winnable’ games coming soon while they are struggling with players missing so timing could influence them.

Like I say, it’s football. It won’t go to form/league positions but just an illustration of the upcoming fixtures shows we are still in control of our own destiny and yesterday’s result wasn’t the worst.

Hope some of you find that interesting anyway

Pubs for: Everton (A)

Where about is everyone heading on Saturday?

Train gets into town about 11:30am and will drop our stuff off at our Air Bnb. Want to try and find somewhere with a few Palace that will also be showing the North London Derby.

Match Ticket Information Huddersfield (A)

When do tickets come?

Foods and/or drinks you hate but other people seem to enjoy

dimanche 4 février 2018

Following on from the extraordinary mayonnaise thread, what food and drink do you hate that other people seem to love?

Obviously marmite and sprouts come up quite often in this category (I love both, with or without mayonnaise). For me, the one drink I would ban in a heartbeat is coffee. I detest the taste, the smell and everything else about it (including the various franchised coffee shops that are everywhere these days).

Also, beer. Both lager and bitter - it baffles me how anyone can enjoy the taste. In fact, I have long held the theory that nobody DOES like beer. It's just something that men (in particular) have to pretend to enjoy to be one of the gang. Sure, getting pissed occasionally can be good ... but the taste? It's awful.

So, what are the foods or drinks that you hate, that everyone else seems to love?